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‘Swift also uses reversal in his essay to show even more humor. He talks about the wives in Ireland, He includes the quote “whose wives are breeders” (Swift 34-35). This quote uses reversal to show that instead of animals breeding, humans are breeding in ireland Later in the essay, Swift talks about the way the proposal will be carried out. To eat babies, they must be sold first. Swift says that people are “to give ten shillings for the carcass of a good fat child” (88-89). This idea is reversed because animals are supposed to be sold at markets, not children. Also, ‘Swift mentions how to cook the babies. He suggests an idea, “I rather recommend buying the children alive and dressing them hot from the knife, as we do roasting pigs” (Swift 99-100). This idea is clearly reversed because children ae the ones being roasted instead of pigs. Wives being breeders, children being sold, and roasting kids are all reversed ideas of what people normally see. Other than reversal, there is one more device Swift used in his essay. Swift used some irony in order to help out his satire essay. In the essay, Swift talks about the lives of the children in Ireland, He says that “they can seldom pick up a livelihood by stealing” (Swift 44-45). This can be seen as pretty ironic due to the fact that children are out in the city stealing things to survive instead of being in schol. Swift also mentions abou the good things the proposal will bring. For example, he talks about how “it would inerease the care and tenderness of mothers towards their children” (Swift 167-168). This also shows irony because Y the mothers can’t care for their children if the moms sell them at markets. Talking about children stealing and mothers caring for their kids are examples Swift used to convey irony. Dr. Jonathan Swift used the ways of sarcasm, reversal and irony in order to discuss how to survive in a place where poverty is plentiful. He made some interesting points in a way to get his message across, Swift used sarcasm to make fun of the people on the streets begging. Reversal was used to show how the roles between humans and animals could change. Swift also

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