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Celeste Espinoza

CP English 2
Period 0
A Dark World
I found myself before a little hill
so dark and mysterious with a white light in the distance
as i walked closer to the light it gave me some sort of chill
In fear of what i might see I lifted up my eyes and saw my guide
Mark Zuckerberg standing before me
he would be guiding me through the third level of hell he applied
We then proceeded to find a path that would lead us to the third level
we came across a dark and filthy path
which will lead us to the devil
As we came closer to the circle of gluttony
all i heard were screams of pain and terror
of people that have felt uncomfortably
I suddenly felt hesitant to proceed
but that quickly changed
as i was determined to succeed
We then reached the third level
which we have been hoping to reach
wondering who well see with the devil
It was dark and filthy
filled with miserable people
even the ones who were wealthy
We saw celebrities who have overdosed on medications
such as Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and Marilyn Monroe
who could no longer deal with their lifes situations
Shocked of everything we have seen
we decided to leave and never return
to the path that would leave us the opposite of clean

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