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NAMES: Erika Peafiel, Norma Tuabanda, Katherine Vsquez

LEVEL: Sixth
DATE: January 31, 2015

Ghandi was seventy-eight years old,
but his mind was still quick and
brilliant. He was a great and special
leader an extraordinary man. On 20 th
January 1948 someone threw a bomb
at Birla House. On 30th January. He
walked to the prayer meeting with his
cousins, as he often did. When they
arrived a man moved towards Ghandi.

The man pulled out a gun and shot him
three times, after Gandhi said Hey
Rama, (Oh God), and then he fell to
the ground. Gandhi was carried to
Birla House and a doctor came after
just ten minutes, but he was already
dead. The man who shot Gandhi hated
non-violence and the charkha. He was
executed for his crime.

On 31st January 1948, Gandhi's body was washed,

covered in flowers and taken away for cremation.
Two weeks later, Gandhi's ashes were taken to
Allahabad by train, hundreds of thousands of
people want to say goodbye to their 'Bapu'.A year
after the Gandhi's death the Indian government set
up the Gandhi Peace Prize, which in the year 2000
was given to Nelson Mandela.
Today Gandhi is remembered every year with a
national holiday called Gandhi Jayanti.

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