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Course Title: Algebra 1

Teacher: Ms. Ayala


Policies for student work:

1. NO late homework will be accepted. Students are expected to complete all homework
and turn in each assignment on the day it is due. Homework assignments for the week are
posted on the weekly agenda, which can also be found on the website. If a student is
absent, he/she is expected to submit the work at the next class. Homework assignments
will be collected everyday and marked for completion; they will be evaluated for an
accuracy grade twice a week. The graded assignments can always be re-done for a higher

2. Students must show ALL work and/or an explanation of their reasoning for all
problems—this includes class work and homework. Only providing a solution, if correct,
will result in receiving ½ credit. If a student does not understand a problem, he/she is
expected to write down what he/she did not understand about the question.

3. All students will be required to sign up for the “Math Board” at least once a quarter.
During the week for which the student signs up, he/she will be expected to demonstrate to
the class at least one problem on the board, either a question from the homework or class
work. “Math Board” participation counts as part of the participation/effort grade.

4. All quizzes and tests will be closed-notes. Students can increase any quiz or test grade by
working on it with me during their lunch period or after school. Students can earn back
up to half of the total points they originally lost.

5. Grading Policy: 10% Participation/Effort; 30% Homework; 30% quizzes; 30% Tests

Other than complying with the school-wide rules and regulations, I have one very important rule
for our class:

**We will create and maintain a safe space within our classroom where disrespecting anyone
physically, emotionally, or intellectually is intolerable.

Student name:___________________________________________

Parent/guardian signature:______________________________________________

Phone number: _________________________ Email: _________________________________

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