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lives. Service Learning Project Evaluation _ Site Supervisor Site supervisor name Anthony Seres Date 2 Nov 2014 Contact number 7077619997 Site location Orchard Elementary Student name Sophia Chavez Please give an overview of the work the student has done so far (Be detailed in your description). Class prep - included arranging furniture, clearing counters/desks, cleaning Surfaces, storing materials i i ivity in which they Ms. Chavez also engaged with students in whatever activity in wh Were working. She provided a'positive and appropriate model of interactive, Social skills which the students needed greatly. List 1 strength and 1 weakness that you have noticed about the student while serving. ‘“ the students in our Ms, Chavez displayed the ideal personalitydemeanoy oO eee Brogram, Student behaviors can be unpredictable and can often ele eastees Ao Untrained staff that are unhelpful to Lh ‘ind treated each fairly and with respect. ren ane CE eared student rand aceded Ms. Chaves to, there was no Weak aspect associated to her service. Have there been any issues or concems regarding the student’s behavior or service? nts. None, She was a great model for my stude Other comments: t program. | hope t : ect seems like a great prog! Learning Project Service Learning Fro) ee Lents rok Sholen es, CHoChers

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