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1. Government

1. Government explanation
This artifact shows evidence for
government in Mohenjodaro
because it shows a picture of the
excavation of the ruins of
Mohenjodaro. The ruins might not
show it but after the excavation of
this city, there was no central seat
for a king or a queen. This must
mean that the people of
Mohenjodaro must have preferred
modesty, order and cleanliness.

2. Religion

2. Religion explanation
This artifact shows evidence for
religion in Mohenjodaro because
it shows a chisel of a Buddhist.
The people of Mohenjodaro
accepted this religion as one of
their own next to Hinduism.
Buddhism practices nirvana
which is the ideal state of
happiness and peace.

3. Social structure explanation

Social Structure
This artifact shows evidence for
social structure because it shows
a statue of a priest. The priest
was one of the highest ranked
people in the social structure
pyramid for Mohenjodaro. The
priests study and learn the Vedas
or a collection of Hindu sacred

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