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4. Technology explanation

This picture shows evidence

for technology because it
shows Mohenjodaros sewage
system. The sewage pipes of
Mohenjodaro had a
sophisticated system complete
with manhole covers. Pipes
connected to houses and
latrines headed into the pipes
and through the sewers. The
sewers then release the dirty

5. Stable food supply

5. Stable food supply

This artifact shows evidence
for stable food supply because
it shows a stone slab with a
domestic animal that could
possibly be eaten on it. The
people of Mohenjodaro had
eaten from wild and domestic
animals to wheat, barley, and
other grains. This would prove
that the people in
Mohenjodaro are hunters and

6. Art

6. Art explanation
This artifact shows evidence
for art because its shows a
dancing girl. The dancing girl
shows evidence for art
because she is dancing and
dancing is a part of art, such
as music and sculpting. The
dancing girl is also a sculpture,
which is a part of art, because
she is made out of bronze and
sculpted to show that she is

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