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Afsan Bhuiyan

Miss Latham
English 2010-047 Tuesdays Thursdays
Research Log/Journal Assignment Worksheet
The following worksheet is designed to prepare you for the Research Journal assignment
by asking you to think critically about the assignment description and how to complete
the assignment. While for some of the questions it may be possible to copy the answers
out of the syllabus or assignment description, you will get more out of the assignment if
you take the time to process what the assignment description says and then answer in
your own words. Please use the back of this paper or a separate sheet of paper for more

What is the Research Journal assignment asking me to do?

I have to make sure to research about an argument that I am curious and interested in.
The argument has to have some agreement's and disagreement's with a variety of point of
views. I have to make sure my research process is contained in the research journal with
all the sources I will be using. I must make sure that each entry has a MLA format
bibliographic entry with a two to three sentence summary of the source. I have to include
a response of the article like if I agree or disagree with it. I should have notes on the
source that I am reading. I have to do a minimum of 15 entries.

What skills have I learned (in this class and/or prior to coming to this class) that will help
me complete this assignment?
I have learned how to do critical reading. I understood the spectrum between persuasion
and truth. I understood what kind of sites are valid to not valid to look at. I have to make
sure I have to look at the right source ,so I don't get misguided by the site. I must see the
different point of views in my research. I must know who my audience is to write my
paper. I am going to use the doubting and believing game to gain more perspectives. I

will use the right grammar skill's when writing my paper like putting page number's on
my qoutes. I already know how to use MLA ,but I forgot ,so I have to revise MLA a bit.

What skills will I learn from completing this assignment?

I will learn to take effective notes ,and what sites are good for my research or not. I will
learn to use methods of analysis that I will practice in class on my sources. I will know
how to respond to the article rather than being bland. Keeping notes organized will be a
very new skill for me because I am usually messy with my notes. I will learn to know hot
to do critical reading ,and have a combination of truth and persuasion with the right
audience in my writing.

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