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Brahman is immortal and

constantly creates things and

destroys them. Hinduism sees
time as a circle.

Dharma is a law or duty. Hindus

believed that when everyone
follows their dharma, the
society would be in peace.

Hindu Beliefs

The next step is Samsara. The cycle of

birth, death, rebirth is called Samsara. As
long as people are part of this system,
they will know pain and death. People
have to balance their karma with good
things or actions. They have to follow their
dharma by doing what they are expected
to do in their social class.

Karma is what happens to a person

after death. Their soul would be
born into a new body. The body
would be based on what the person
did in their last life. In the caste
system, people couldnt escape
their class but karma was fair
because it reflected on what the
person did in their last life.

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