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King Ashoka

III. Personal Attributes

A. King Ashoka before he converted
to Buddhism was a feared warrior.
B. King Ashoka had rejected
violence and replaced it with love and
C. King Ashoka was still a ruler that
had allowed slavery and allowed
people to be beheaded for a crime, so
he was very practical.
I. Early years
A. King Ashoka was born in 304
B. King Ashoka had inherited his
grandfathers empire, which was
almost all of India.
C. King Ashoka had many halfsiblings from his fathers other
II. Significant events
A. King Ashoka decided to become
a Buddhism supporter after a savage
B. King Ashoka had carved his laws
into tall pillars and walls so that
everyone could see.
C. King Ashoka wanted to promote
the goal of Buddhist values, justice,
general welfare, and sercurity.

IV. Contributions
A. King Ashoka had strengthened
our approach other religions.
B. King Ashoka helped support
Buddhism to keep it alive.
C. King Ashoka had contributed to
the making of the pillars with laws
engraved in them.
V. My impressions
A. I think that before Ashoka
transferred over to Buddhism, he was
a feared leader due to his military
B. After Ashoka transferred to
Buddhism, I think that he was very
kind and peaceful instead of violent.

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