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Early Years

IV. Contributions

A. In about 320 C.E, the Gupta

Empire arose to the top as the second
great empire of India.

A. The Guptas promoted learning

by creating universities.

B. The empire was founded under

Chandragupta I and he began
conquering the northern kingdoms
through battles.
C. Under the name of the Gupta
family, they created seven areas of
great achievement.
II. Significant events
A. The Gupta Empire created the
seven areas of achievement which are
universities, literature, painting,
sculpting, metalwork, mathematics,
and roads.

B. Gupta mathematicians designed

a way of creating whole numbers
using numbers 1 through 9.
C. The Guptas had created roads
for us to use and travel on for safety.
V. My impressions
A. I think that the Gupta family has
made math and traveling a lot easier
for us.
B. I also think that the Guptas are
very sophisticated when they were
completing these achievements
because I takes a lot of smarts to
complete this stuff.

B. The Gupta Family was in power

for almost 230 years.
C. The empire was almost as large
as the largest empire in India ever.
III. Personal attributes
A. The Gupta Empires best
personal attribute is that they are
witty due to the fact that they created
seven areas of achievement.
B. The Gupta Family is also very
persistent because it takes a lot of
time and dedication to do these things
let alone 7 of these great things.
C. The Gupta Family is very
talented because not everybody can
perfect these seven difficult

Gupta empire

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