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Practicum Activity Plan Student Self Evaluation

Student: April Burcham Date: 11-18-08

Name of Activity: Construction: building a house
Behavioral Objective: The children will be able to be
good while building a house.

DAP Describe in DETAIL why this activity was or

was not DAP. Use your NAEYC Developmentally
Appropriate Manual and cue a reference to support
your statement.
This activity was DAP because it allowed the children
to be creative while making a house out of blocks.

Presentation of Activity: Describe in DETAIL how

you implemented and/or presented this activity.
I had the prop box out in the center of the room and
let the children explore it on their own.

Behavioral Objective: Describe in DETAIL how and

why the objective was or was not met.
The behavioral objective was met because the children
were able to do the activity while being good.

Child Centered vs. Adult Centered: Explain in

detail how you made this activity child centered
rather than adult centered. What open-ended
questions did you ask the children? What changes
in presentation could you make that would make it
more child centered?
This activity was child centered; they were able to
build a house on their own and explore the shapes.
What color is this?
Why are we doing this?
What shape is this?

Future: Describe in DETAIL what you would do to

improve the activity the next time its presented.
Explain what could be changed and present this
activity again.
I could add more blocks into the prop box or have
bigger blocks.

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