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October 27 -31, 2014

Problem Set
Day 1: Omari won 56 pieces of gum playing hoops at the school carnival. At school he
gave two to every student in his math class. He only has 4 remaining. How many students
are in his class?

Day 2: Four carpenters built an average of 42 chairs each last week. If Eric built 36
chairs, Jania built 74 chairs and Andrew guilt 13 chairs, how many chairs did Jaylen

Day 3: At 9:11am, you notice that your stores produce refrigerator is off. The electronic
monitor tells you it switched off at 4:49a.m. How long has your produce refrigerator been

Day 4: The Whites are going to buy a car. The model they have chosen has 7 color
options and 5 radio options. The Whites can choose from how many combinations of
color and radio options?

Day 5: You are a custom dressmaker and you are making 4 bridesmaids dresses. For each
dress, you need to cut 2 skirt panels. Each panel measures 36 inches by 48 inches. The
fabric is 44 inches wide. How many yards of fabric will you need for the skirts?

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