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Colton Laws

Professor Padgett
ENGL 1102
March 12, 2015
Annotated Bibiliograpgy

Topic: Technology Affecting Fishing and Hunting

Focusing Question: How has technology affected hunting and fishing in past years?
Questionable Thesis: Hunting and Fishing have greatly been affected by new inventions
through technology.
Secrest, Rose. (copyright 2015). Fishing Rod. Volume 5. How products are made and
History behind them. Web.25 February 2015. Retrieved from
This article is about the invention of the fishing rod all the way back to B.C. It has many
facts in it about how the rod has changed over time and how it has increased the number
of fish being caught. It does a great job at comparing the differences between an old rod
and the new invented rods out in the market today. This source will be very useful to me
because it has lots of information focused on the rod and also lots of facts in it that I can
use in my paper.
Furuno, Company. (Copyright 2013). All about Fish Finders. Topic 1-18. Invention of
Fish Finder. Web. 25 Feburary 2015. Retrieved from
Furuno does a great job at focusing on fish finders which is a huge part of fishing. These
fish finders are not just a huge invention themselves, but are improving year by year.
Furuno explains how they work and how they first were invented. This is a good source

to use because this is a great example of how an invention of technology has affected the
way fisherman fish because they know more about where the fish are located. Also, this
source has several topics of fish finders. For example, it has the inventions, how it works,
how its changed and many more. So I believe this source will give me a great amount of
information on fish finders which will let me make a great example in my paper.
Malley, O. Patrick. (Copyright 2006). Hunting and Fishing:Bright Starts of American
Colony. Web. 25 Feburary 2015. Retrieved from
This source will probably be my most useful source. This is a super long source which
covers lots of information about fishermen and hunters. It talks a lot about how the
fishermen and hunters help out the wildlife conservation. It gives several facts aobut how
much money is involved and how each aspect of wildlife activities are increasing over the
years due to popular entertainments including duck dynasty which has been a huge aspect
because ever since that show has become so popular, everyone wants to be a duck hunter
and I have personal experience in this subject because Ive been a huge duck hunter ever
since I can walk. Each year as a younger kid we would always pull up to the boat ramp
with about 4-8 other trucks there who were hunters as well. Now on certain days you can
go duck hunting and see about 15-30 trucks at the ramp at 4:30 in the morning. This
source has information on the increase of not only hunters but anglers as well including
freshwater and saltwater fishermen.
Jones, L. Terry. (Copyright 1999) Looking Back-Hunting has changed over the past few
Decades. Web. 25 Feburary 2015. Retrieved from
This source is a little different from my other sources because it is an everyday hunter
who wrote the source, which actually is a good thing. He tells us how the hunting

lifestyle has changed over the past decades and how the perspective of your hunters then
and now are different. Terry mentions how the aspects and expectations of hunting has
changed for example, he says when he was a kid, hunters were more than happy to come
out of the woods with a squirrel and now days they expect a huge buck ever time they
walk into the forest with a gun in their hands. Thats just not how it works. It takes time,
dedication, and lots of hard work to really be a successful hunter. This article will be
important to my paper because it gives personal opinions and tells stories of an everyday
Bell. Daniel. (copyright 2012). How far is to far? Web. 25 Feburary 2015. Retrieved from
This article talks about how the inventions (technology) of new hunting tools has reached
its limits 10 years ago. It talks about how all the game cameras, remote control hunting
helicopters, and drones is to much of an advantage to the hunter. Do the deer even have a
chance anymore? I really like this article because I agree with a lot he has to say and I
respect both sides of this argument. How much is too much?

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