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-semi-solid preparation for external application to the skin and mucous membrane
-SO, ZnO
Non-medicated/Ointment Bases
-Effect: lubricating, emollient, protective and vehicle
-Free from grittiness (sandy)
-Rancidity w/ time ( unpleasant smell foul odor)
-Easily spread
-Jars (greater surface area (increase: bacterial growth and rancidity)
-Tube (collapsible; less exposure at contact)
2 Methods of Preparing Ointment
1. Levigation
-mortar and pestle
-mineral oil/ propylene glycol/ glycerin
2. Fusion
-melt w/ high melting point
-wax, spermaceti

1. Hydrocarbon/ Oleaginous Bases
- Insoluble in H2O
- Not washable w/ H2O
- Anhydrous
- Will not absorb H2O
- Emollient. Greasy and occlusive
- White petrolatum, white ointment, Vaseline, vegetable shortening
2. Absorption Base
- Insoluble in H2O
- Not washable w/ H2O
- Anhydrous
- Emollient. Greasy and occlusive
- Hydrophilic petrolatum, lanolin, aquabase, aquaphor, polysorb
3. Emulsion bases
a)Water in Oil
- Insoluble in H2O
- Not washable w/ H2O
- Can absorb H2O (limited)
- Emollient. Greasy and occlusive
- Hydrous lanolin, cold cream, bucerin hydrocream
b)Oil in Water
- Insoluble in H2O
- Washable w/ H2O
- Can absorb H2O
- Non-greasy and non-occlusive
- Contains H2O
- Hydrophilic ointment, vanishing cream, dermabase veluochal

Water Soluble Base

Soluble in H2O
Washable w/ H2O
Can absorb H2O
Non-greasy and non-occlusive
May contain H2O (limited)
Lipid free
Polyethylene glycol ointment

1. Weigh ingredients
2. Melt white wax and petrolatum (water bath/hot plate)
3. Pour into the container
4. Allow to congeal (solidity)
5. Place glassine paper on top of ointment
White Wax: 50 g -> 0.5g

Petrolatum: 950 g -> 9.5 g

ZnO Ointment

White semi-solid preparation

Medicated ointment
Dry skin, skin disorders (eczema, pruritis & psoriasis)
Antiseptic, protective, mild astringent
Unguentum ZInci Oxide / Zinc Ointment

ZnO: 200g -> 2 g
Mineral Oil: 150g -> 1.5g (1.71 ml; sp. gr. 0.8498)
White Ointment: 650g -> 6.5g
1. Triturate the ZnO
2. Levigate ZnO w/ mineral oil forming
3. Add White ointment (pbyp)
4. Place in container
- unguentum sulfures
- Medicated ointment
- Parasiticides, scabies, skin diseases
Ppted Sulfur: 100g -> 1g
Mineral Oil: 100g -> 1g (1.18 ml)
White Ointment: 800g -> 8g

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