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Prepared by: Jorge Sosa, Jaime Puente and Esau Ruiz

PBJ Group 9
From: J. Sosa, J. Puente, E. Ruiz
Subject: How to Make a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
Date: February 9, 2015
The purpose of this memo is to give our feedback for the elements missing in
Instructions prepared by Team 9 on How to Make a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich.
Our target is help them to give our opinion on this instructions and help them to improve
their skills to prepare Instructions.
Overall the presentation was very clear, there are some elements from the Book Technical
Communication, chapter 20 on the section Writing Instructions we would like to
highlight as follows:
Writing Instructions
This instruction comply with the basic requirements highlighted in the TC
book chapter 20, that suggests to make instructions simple and unclutter.
Designing a set of Written Instructions
Instruction is oriented for adults, in this case, can work on this instruction to
make fit in one page, or they could extend the audience including Spanish
version, for the paper size, would be better design in a easy to fold pamplet
III. Planning for Safety.
In this instructive we can see the proper use of warning to
warn of possible allergic reactions peanut consumption, the
use of this symbol is well used and faithfully fulfills its
Drafting Effective Instructions
This instructional fulfills the requirements such as a title,
introduction and step by step instructions. What can be do to
improve it is to put pictures next to each step, this can make
the instructions more easy to understand
Revisiong, Editing, and Proofreading Instructions
In general instructions are clear grammar, they divided the instructions in 3
sections, (Ingredients, Instructions and step-by-step visualization), I may suggest
to also include another section for materials and specify utensils (plates, knifes,
napkins, etc.).
The warning message is very visible, I would take the word will cause allergic
reactions to specify the circumstances that creates such reactions, because in step
4 describe it as healthy snack and during the activity most of us ate one or more
sandwiches and I did not advice such reaction in any of us.

A Look at Several sample sets of Instructions

After reviewing some examples in the book, the instruction could be better if the
pictures were accommodated with the instructions, so the reader has easier
reference to follow.
As final comments, the instructions are brief and clear written

Markel, M. (2012). Technical Communication . Boston, MA: Bedford/St.

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