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Family Engagement

Week 10:
Observation - Identify some examples of family engagement in the
school you visit? How involved are the parents in the education of
the children?

The evidence is consistent, positive, and convincing: families have

a major influence on their childrens achievement. When schools,
families, and community groups work together to support learning,
children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like
school more (Henderson & Mapp, 2002, p.7)

My placement school has numerous opportunities for family

engagement, especially within the prep class, which I observe. This
family partnership is demonstrated in the parent run canteen
Wednesdays, involvement in class literacy groups and activities
addition to the P.M.P. program which needs parents in order to run
effectively. Parents are explicitly encouraged to contribute to these










However, according to Henderson, Mapp, Johns and Davies (2007,

p. 14) there are different levels of family engagement and West-

Burnham, Farrar and Otero (2007, p.75) indicate that for many
parents their engagement involves seeing parents as helpers rather
than co-educators. In reflecting on the parent engagement I have
observed in my school, the parent involvement within the literacy
groups and related activities and the P.M.P program comes closer to
this definition of co-educators.

However, the parent run canteen

could be perceived as helping the school rather than working in a

learning partnership with educators.

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