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Artefact 1 Placement Report

This piece of evidence is a summative report from my associate teacher

from my third year placement detailing my fulfillment of professional
practice. The focus areas listed below are highlighted throughout the
artefact to demonstrate my achievement.

4.1 Support student participation

4.2 Manage classroom activities
4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
4.4 Maintain student safety

Summative Assessment: Third Year Placement

Domain 2: Professional Practice
Tamsin interacts with students in a manner that demands respect while
ensuring that they understand that she genuinely cares for their welfare. As a
result she maintains a level of discipline that allows effective learning to take
place. All professional development opportunities have been embraced by
Tamsin as an opportunity to improve practice. Evidence of this regularly found
its way into Tamsins planning and ongoing discussion with the associate
teachers. She is to be highly commended for the initiative she took during her
placement. Tamsin easily saw opportunities and needs within and outside of
the classroom context and went about working towards these with a great
level of competency. Towards the end of the round, she demonstrated an
ability to see a need within the classroom, communicate with the teachers and
initiated the response. By the end of the round Tamsins professional practice
reflected that of the two teachers who work within the learning space and she
became the 3rd teacher within the space.

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