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Alicia Dobner

March 1, 2015
ENG 112-37
Extended Inquiry (Step 3)
Professor Intawiwat

Selflessness, which is having little or no concern for oneself, as

proven in the dictionary is an important aspect in life. The act of
selflessness is demonstrated in the movie, Pay It Forward as the
main character, Trevor McKinney, was challenged to do something kind
to three people and each person will pass it along to three others
(MICHAEL JANUSONIS Journal). This, in turn, created a movement that
portrayed his act of kindness and pursuit to serve others, rather than
himself. There are multiple reasons to why one ought to live a selfless
life, along with practical ways to accomplish this seemingly impossible
goal. This act of selfless deeds plays a large role in changing the world
and how it does truly change communities of people.
The actions Trevor took in this particular movie include helping a
homeless man, his mother, and a young boy at school that was bullied
quite often. He served the homeless man, Jerry, by bringing him into
his home, clothing him, and he also fed him. Her son served his
mother, Arlene, in that she was struggling with relationships and she
brought someone into her life. The third person Trevor placed before

himself was a young boy at his school named Adam. Other children
bullied Adam, as earlier mentioned, which resulted in Trevor getting
him out of a similar circumstance (MICHAEL JANUSONIS Journal). As one
may notice, Pay It Forward exemplifies points on selfless attitudes
and how they affect the world as a whole. Trevor must have thought
more of others than he did himself, or he would have simply stood still
and watched Jerry remain homeless, Arlene remain pitiful, and Adam
remain with hurt-feelings and severe injuries. The real question is not if
he was or was not selfless, but rather why he was selfless and what
pointed him in that direction?
Besides the fact that it was simply an assignment he had in
school, Trevor must have felt a tug on his heart for this hurting world
around him. Selflessness is all about the heart; it is all about the
motives in certain actions one will take. One will never come to the
point of death if he or she does not truly believe in what they are
doing. This act of selflessness is something one desires because it
shows others that they are capable of doing extraordinary tasks. This
might also be because it proves to others that you do not only care
about yourself, which lets people enjoy being around you. Respect
comes from various persons seeing someone do a good deed, but what
if one does a good deed without wanting anything in return? This is an
honest person that truly wants to see others succeed. It gives that
person goose bumps and makes them feel like they are doing

something right in the world, that they are changing the world, one
step at a time.
One girl named Tracy took a step to create change, without
yearning for some reward in return. Through much volunteer work and
putting others before herself in many cases, this girl was someone who
believed in something and went after it. As the Milwaukee Sentinel
states through anothers eyes, Schnell said Tracy was able to love
herself and share that love with others. (Wilson). This is the primary
step in succeeding to live a selfless life, one that does not need any
praise or adoration.
ATA News explains that ways to be kind include kindness toward
oneself, the earth, and others (Kindness). Kindness toward oneself
may be demonstrated through exactly what was perceived about the
young girl loving herself. Each person ought to love who they are;
therefore, allowing the people they serve to see them in the same
light. Being kind to the earth includes actual work projects, such as
cleaning someones yard. Be kind to others by complimenting them,
encouraging them, and helping them out with major and minor issues
It is important that there are selfless people in the world, so that
nobody feels left out or discouraged. Actions one may take in order to
be selfless include a plethora of items including helping a friend move,

giving a poor man or woman food and shelter, which was

demonstrated in the movie, Pay It Forward.

Works Cited

"Kindness: Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 14-20, 2000." ATA

News 34.10 (2000) ProQuest. Web. 1 Mar. 2015.
MICHAEL JANUSONIS Journal, Arts W. "Pay it Forward Pays Off - PAY IT
FORWARD IS GOOD IN DEED." The Providence Journal: E. Oct 20
2000. ProQuest. Web. 1 Mar. 2015 .
Wilson, Felicia. "Teen Remembered for Selfless Deeds." Milwaukee
Sentinel: 2. Jun 18 1990. ProQuest. Web. 1 Mar. 2015

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