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Household ammonia – contains

E. Ammonium (NH4) 10% NH4; is known as 16°

- Hypothetical alkali metal ammonia (degrees Baume, a
- Conjugated acid of NH3 conc. Term)
- Produce by haber’s process
- Its salts show a striking resemblance to potassium and rubidium
Pcol action: Diuretic, Expectorant (like Iodide), Buffer, Anti-cariogenic (like Fluoride)

Ammonium Bromide NH4Br Depressant/Sedative

Sal volatile Expectorant (ammonium)

Hartshorn Antacid (carbonate)
Preston Salt Basis of smelling salts (aromatic spirit of
Ammonium carbonate
Baker's Ammonia ammonia)
Ammonium Sesquicarbonate Respiratory Stimulant

Respiratory stimulant
Spirit of Hartshorn
Aromatic NH4 Spirit Mixture of ammonium carbonate and strong
Spirit sal volatile
ammonia solution
Muriate of hartshorn
Expectorant, Diuretic, Urinary acidifier
NH4Cl (Ammonium Ammonium Muriate
CI: Impaired hepatic function
Chloride) Sal Ammoniac
Treatment for Brominism
Mercuric Ammonium Cl Topical anti-infective
HgNH2Cl Ammoniated mercury
White precipitate

NH4I Ammonium Iodide Source of iodide, expectorant, antifungal

NH4CH3COO Styptic- Stop bleeding (Hemostatic)

Spirit of minderesus
Ammonium acetate Buffer component

Strong Ammonia Ammonia Hydroxide Diluted Ammonia Solution

Solution Stronger Ammonia Water circulatory stimulant by inhalation

Ammoniacal AgNO3 Howe’s solution

F. CESIUM- Catalyst in polymerization of resin forming material

CsCl- use density gradient centrifugation to isolate and purify proteins and nucleic
GROUP IB: COINAGE METAL – can occur in free metal state, Complexes/chelates
- Used in production of coins and jewelries.
- Soluble compounds of these elements are toxic.

A. COPPER (Cuprum), Cu+ cuprous (brown, Cu2+ cupric (Blue)

- Only reddish metal, 3rd most malleable, 3rd best conductor
- Protein precipitant, Enhances physiological utilization of iron
- Component of hemocyanin and cytochrome oxidase (Deficiency: Hypochromic
- Alloys: Brass/Masynoeci (+ Zn) (Yellow brass- 67% Cu, 33% Zn (most common type
of brass), Bronze (+ Sn),
- Wilson’s disease | D-Penicillamine , Menke’s Disease (deficiency of copper)

CuSO4 • 5 H2O Blue vitriol Component of Benedict’s, Barfoed’s, and Fehling’s

Blue stone Antidote for P poisoning (garlic breath)
Caparrosa Azul Increase hematinic activity of Fe
Piedra Lipiz Ingredient of Bordeux mixture  algaecide in
Salzburg vitriol pool, fungicide (Copper sulfate and CaO)
*Cu3(AsO3)2 • Paris green Insecticide (suicidal drug in the past)
Cu(C2H3O2)2+ Copper acetoarsenite Arsenic-protoplasmic poison
(Cu)3(C6H5O7)8 Astringent in 8% concentration

B. SILVER (argentum, shining, bright)

- Oligodynamic property (germicidal action) – inhibit growth of microorganism even
if used at a very low concentration.
- Argyria- darkening of the skin due to chronic use of silver preparation.
- NSS or PNSS- antidote (NaCl + Ag+ AgCl )
- Silver Sulfadiazine- used topically as a germicide
Soluble AgNO3 Lapiz infernulariz Warts and Opthalmia neonatorum (1% drops) –
Lunar caustic Crede’s prophylaxis
Indelible ink
Present: Erythromycin (for N. gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Caustic pencil, Azotas
trachomatis – no. 1 cause of blindness)
Wet dressing for third degree burns (0.5%)
Ag(NH3)2NO3 Howe’s solution Dental protective, Desensitizing agent; Ingredient
for tollen’s reagent (for aldehyde)
Insoluble AgI Poisonous, Disinfectant, germicide
Ag proteinate Mild (Argyrol) Antiseptic for eye (nlt 19 nmt 23%)
Strong (Protargol) Ear and throat (nlt 7.5 nmt 8.5%)
Colloidal (Collargol) General germicide (nlt 18 nmt 22%) least ionized
Gold preparations are used as
C. GOLD (Aurum”, Shining dawn, King of all metals, Purple of Cassibis) Disease Modifying Anti- Rheumatic
- Most malleable and ductile, Best conductor of electricity Drugs (DMARDs) for Rheumatoid
- Dimercaprol (INN, BAL) arthritis & lupus erythematosus.
- Gold salts: characterized by instability to heat, light and even very mild reducing agent (stability:
imporved by complexation)
- Gold (I) salts can undergo autoxidation
- Dissolved by:
Aqua regia/ Royal Water (3 part conc. HCl + 1 part conc. HNO3)
Selenic acid
1. Aurothioglucose (IM) - treatment of gout and R.A (BN: Solgarol)
2. Gold Na Thiomalate (IM) - treatment of gout and R.A (BN: Myochristin)
3. Auranofin (PO) – [(2,3,4,6-tetra-O-aetyl-1-thio-B-d-glucopyranosato)(triethylphosphine) gold]
AE: glossitis (BN: Ridaura)


A. BERYLLIUM – amphoteric, acts as lewis acids and give rise to alums
- Never employed in medicine because it is the most toxic
metal (Lung carcinoma and chronic granuloma)
- Lightest of all structurally important
- 2nd most abundant intracellular cation
- Chlorophyll component
- Compound of Grignard’s reagent Formaldehyde 10 alcohol
(RMgX)- used to synthesize alcohol Aldehydes 20 alcohol
from aldehydes and ketones Ketones 30 alcohol
- Natural Sources:
1. As silicates (talc, asbestos)
2. As CO3 (magnesite, dolomite)
3. As SO4 (keiserite) Universal antidote: 2:1:1
- Pcol action: 1. Activated Charcoal
1. Laxative (PO) 2. MgO
2. Depressant
3. Tannic Acid
3. Natural Ca-channel blocker (anticonvulsant – IM)
4. Isotope 27Mg- employed in research involving photosynthesis
Mg poisoning- Antidote: Ca gluconate

Magnesium carbonate
MgCO3 Antacid, Laxative

Milk of magnesia
Mg(OH)2 Antacid, Laxative
Magnesia magma

Antacid, Laxative
MgO Calcined magnesia
Component of universal antidote
2MgO • 3SiO2 •nH2O Mg trisilicate Antacid (Adv: prolonged action)

Epsom salt Cathartic (PO)

Bitter salt (Ref or dissolve Anticonvulsant (IM)
in cold water) Antidote for Ba and barbiturate toxicity

Lemonade purganti
Purgative lemon

Talc Filtering agent

Hydrated Mg Silicate
Soapstone Clarifying agent
French chalk Dusting powder

Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4 Asbestos

- 2nd most abundant cation in extracellular fluid
- Vit. D is needed for its maximum absorption
o PTH controls Ca levels in the blood Hyperpara  HyperCa Hypophos
o Cation of choice to carry therapeutically active anions such as calcium aminosalicylate and calcium
o 45
Ca isotope- mineral metabolism
o Pcol action:
1. Coagulation
2. Contraction (actin and myosin)
3. Release of neurotransmitter (NE)
4. Bones and teeth (98-99%)
o Deficiency states:
Osteoporosis (density)
Osteomalacia (resorption)
Rickets (mineralization) – incomplete closure of fontanels, bow-legged (arching)
- Minerals: Dolomite (CaCO3. MgCO3), Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), Fluorite (CaF2), Phosphate rock (Ca3(PO4)2,
Apatite (Ca3PO4)2.CaF2)

CaBr2 Sedative/depressant
Precipitated Chalk
Carbonic Acid Antacid, Ingredient of toothpaste, dentrifices,
Calcium Salt rebound hyperacidity, calcium supplement
Creta Praecipitata
Muriate of lime
CaCl2 Ca replenisher
Fosforo de Homberg

Ca gluconate Ca supplement and replenisher, Heart failure

Slaked lime
Ca(OH)2 Milk of lime Antacid, Saponifying agent
Calcium hydrate

Ca(C3H5O3)2 Ca lactate Ca supplement

CaHPO4 • 2H2O Source of Ca and PO4

CaO lime, quicklime, calx Component of Bordeux mixture, Insecticide

Antacid, source of Ca &P, major product of
Ca3(PO4)2 Bone ash
Chlorinated lime
Ca(ClO)2 Disinfectant, Bleaching agent
Chloride of lime
Gypsum Rodenticide, Prep of surgical casts and dental
Terra alba (Latin word impressions
CaSO4 • ½ H2O
meaning white cement)
or 2 H2O
Satin Spar Plaster of Paris – calcium sulfate hemihydrate
Alabaster Light

D. STRONTIUM- red pyrotechnics, crimson (flame color), used as the

carrier cation for therapeutically active anions, as in strontium
1. SrCl2 - Temperature desensitizing agent (Sensodyne®) Heavy Hydrogen- deuterium
2. Sr ranelate- for osteoporosis, replace pores
Heavy water- deuterium oxide
E. BARIUM (Heavy) – most active Heavy element- Osmium
- Baritosis- similar to digitalis poisoning (Lidocaine &
Phenytoin) , Antidote: Epsom salt/ Epsomite
1. BaSO4 (Ba meal, Esophotrast) - radiopaque for GIT imaging (non-toxic since not soluble)
- Stop the passage of X-rays, contrast medium, Can cause constipation
2. Ba(OH)2 (Baryte) - CO2 gas absorbent , soluble & strong base

o Radioactive element used for cancer radiotherapy & diagnostic purpose
o Marie Curie- Nobel Prize awardee, Curie (Ci)- old unit for radioactivity, Becquerel (Bq)- SI unit for
- lower melting points compared to other metals and others volatilize at room temp
- it readily form complexes with most ligands and concentrated solutions exhibit auto-complexation

A. ZINC – weak bronsted bases, natural calamine, BP: 9070C

- Present in inZulin and carbonic anhydraZe
- Astringent, Antiseptic, Antiperspirant, Protectant (1st choice: Aluminum, 2nd choice: zinc)
- Parakeratosis- inflamed & thickened scaly skin, impaired immune system
- Metal Fume Fever | NaHCO3
- Tx. Of various external surfaces of the body and in wound healing, taste acuity, and various ophthalmic
problems (e.g. macular degeneration)
- Isotope of zinc- mineral metabolism
- Strong zinc sulfate solution- used as emetic
- Rinman’s Green Test
- Other uses: container of batteries, Galvanized iron-steel coated with zinc to prevent oxidation
Butter of Zinc Disinfectant/antiseptic, Dentin desensitizer,
ZnCl2 Burnette’s disinfectant Corrosive
liquid Escharotic, more caustic than astringent
Zinc white
Lassar’s paste Antiseptic, astringent, topical protectant
Flores de Zinc
Lana o Algodon Flioficos

ZnO2 Antiseptic
White lotion Parasiticide, topical protectant, antiseptic,
White sulfide scabicidal
Emetic, ophthalmic astringent in 0.25%
White Vitriol
ZnSO4 • 7 H2O sol’n
Pharmaceutical necessity in white lotion
Natural Calamine (ZnO. Topical protectant, anti-pruritic/itch (BN:
Hydrated Zn Silicate
Fe2CO3 causes pink) caladryl)
Dental protective, dental analgesic,
Zinc-Eugenol cement ZnO + Clove oil

B. CADMIUM – BP: 7680C

- Astringent, manufacture of stinkbomb
- Itai-Itai (ouch-ouch)- antidote: BAL
1. CdCl2 - emetic, treatment of Tinea infection
2. CdS (yellow sulfide) - anti-seborrheic BN: Selsun Blue, Capsebon
3. CdSO4 - ophthalmic antiseptic
C. MERCURY (Quicksilver, Messenger of the Gods, Hydragenum) BP: 3570C
- Diuretic, Antiseptic, Treatment of syphilis, Cathartic, Parasiticidal/fungicidal
- Thermometer, amalgams (dental cement)
- Hg+ mercurous- nontoxic (insoluble), Hg2+ mercuric- toxic
- Minamata Disease/ Minamata Bay/ Pink disease- biomethylation of mercury
 cause by methyl mercury (Hg-CH3) bioaccumulation; effects: CNS parkinson’s like
 can cause involuntary movement, child: muscle wasting, sponge brain, nephrotoxic
 Antidote: EDTA- ETHYLENEDIAMINETETRAACETIC ACID, Penicillamine, N-acetylcysteine (-SH)
- Amalgams-alloys of mercury with other metals
 Dentrifice
 X tootbrush bacteria in mouth sugar acids amalgams melts ingest mercury
- Toxic Forms of Hg:
 Hg Vapor- can’t be excreted because it is converted by the body of methyl mercury
 Hg2+ salts- more toxic than mercurous salts because Hg+ are insoluble
 Organic mercurial- most toxic ex: polymercuric nitrate, thimerosal, methyl mercury
- Cinnabar – ore of mercury
- Best antidote for mercury poisoning particularly the bichloride: Na Formaldehyde Sulfoxylate NF
- Emergency: Egg albumin (white of one egg for each 250 mg of mercuric chloride ingested)
Hg and 203Hg- used for diagnostic capacity

1. Hg2Cl2 Mercurous chloride (Calomel) - cathartic, local antiseptic BN: Lyna, Menna
2. HgCl2 Mercuric chloride (Corrosive sublimate) – toxic chloride, as disinfectant
3. HgI - treatment of syphilis
4. HgI2 - stimulant of indolent ulcers
5. K2HgI4 Potassium Mercuric Iodide - antiseptic, component of Mayer’s reagent- most sensitive
6. HgNH2Cl White precipitate - topical antiseptic
7. HgO Yellow Precipitate - ophthalmic and anti-infective


A. BORON- decrease coefficient of expansion, highly resistant
- Boron hydrides and boranes resemble the silanes
- Involve in bone metabolism
o Industrial use: In vulcanizing rubber

1. H3BO3 (Sal sativum, Boracic acid, Hydrogen borate, orthoboric acid)

- Flaky form, exists as a hydrogen-bonded layered structure
•Lobster appearance
•1. Buffer (ophthalmic solution 2% (slightly hypertonic) )
2. Antiseptic
3. Tonicity adjusting agent (isotonic (1.73%) can still cause hemolysis)
2. Na2B4O7 • 10H2O (Borax, Na tetraborate, Dobell solution, Na pyroborate,
- Antiseptic, Eye wash, Wet dressing for wounds, oxidizing type of local anti-infective
- Borate are used in collyria
- Most abundant metal
- 3rd most abundant element
- Astringent, Aluminum foils used for burn patients
- Source: Cryolite- 3NaF. AlF3
- Poisoning: Shaver’s Disease
Astringent, Antiseptic, Antiperspirant
AlCl3 • 6 H2O Lewis acids Acts as a catalysts for the Friedel-
Crafts synthesis
AlNH4(SO4)2 •12H2O Astringent, Antiperspirant, decrease
AlK(SO4)2 •12H2O diameter of pores
Antacid, Protectant
Al(OH)3 Amphogel, Cremalin gel, MAALOX (D/A: Constipation and PO4
Antacid, astringent, demulcent
AlPO4 Phosphagel
(Adv: doesn’t inferfere PO4 abs.)
Treatment of phosphatic calculi
Al2(CO3)3 (elimination of phosphate via fecal

Al2O3 Alumina Treatment of silicosis

Al2(SO4)3 Cake/Pickle/Pearl/Papermaker's Alum

Al Acetate Burrow's Solution

China clay
Kaolin Adsorbent in diarrhea, demulcent
Native hydrated aluminum silicate
Soap clay, Mineral Soap Suspending agent
Native colloidal hydrated aluminum silicate Bentonite Magma: 5% suspension
Dental abrasive
Pumice (AL, Na, K) Pumice stone, Piedra Pomez
Volcanic origin (Lahar)

C. GALLIUM- liquid at room temperature, low melting point: 29.750C

o Pcol use: treatment of cancer-related hypercalcemia by binding with
o Nonpharma: substitute for mercury in manufacture of arc lamps; Galvanized
o Ga(NO3)3- cancer related hypercalcemia
D. Thallium “Green Twig”
- Rodenticide
- Poisoning: green coloration of the tongue and alopecia
- Only atom that can form multiple bonds with itself
CATENATION- chain formation
- Simple carbon compounds are either linear (CO2), planar triangular (CO2-3), or tetrahedral (CCl4)
- can be produced in different forms such as coke, lampblack, or charcoal
- Activated charcoals are prepared from ligneous materials (sometimes pretreated with a dehydrating agent) by
carbonization in the absence of air.
2 forms of activated charcoal:
 Finely powdered (300 to 350 mesh)- use in liquid media; used as an absorbent in the treatment of
 Coarse, hard, porous particles for gas absorption

 Cyanide cannot be absorbed

 Kerosene (common household posion)- petroleum distillates
- Aspiration pneumonia
- Emesis is contraindicated
- Antidote: Mineral oil/ cooking oil (viscous)- dissolves kerosene to prevent aspiration

- Crystalline: Diamond (purest native form) and Graphite (lead pencil

- Amorphous: Coal and Anthracite
1. CO2 - persistent hiccups
- (most potent resp. stimulant) – porous paper bag
- H2O + CO2
- H2CO3 (softdrinks)
- Solid CO2 (dry ice)- refrigerant, also used in the treatment of acne, warts, corns,
calluses, eczema, angiomas
2. CO3 - Antacid, pharmaceutical for effervescent tablet
3. CO - 210x greater affinity to hemoglobin than oxygen leading to hypoxia then death
- Targets cytochrome oxidase
- Pathogonomic of CO poisoning: Cherry red color of blood and mucous
membranes Treatment:
1. 100% O2 – highly combustible so seldomly used
2. Artificial air (He 80%, O2 20%)
3. Hyperbaric O2
4. CO2 + O2 mixture

- 2nd most abundant element
- Inert oxide Silicates of:
- Toxicity: silicosis- similar to TB Mg (Talc, asbestos)
Symptoms: Hemoptysis- presence of blood in sputum Al (K, B, P)
Treatment: Al2O3-forms a coat on a silica particles Zn (Calamine)
1. SiO2- silica
A.K.A: Purified Siliceous Earth
Use: Adsorbent
Toxicity: silicosis (similar to asbestosis)
- Serpentine asbestos (HO)6Mg6(Si4O11) H2O- Typical, used as filter aids and as insulation
- Siliceous earth (diatomaceous earth, Fuller’s earth, Kieselguhr, Celite- the latter a trade name) and
infusorial earth are the siliceous skeletal remains of diatoms and infusoria
- Synthetic amorphous silica:
2 Methods:
1. Silica Fume- prepared by condensation of silica from its vapor phase
2. Silica gel- prepared by hydrolysis of inorganic or organic orthosilicates
- differ in particle size, degree of hydration, surface type (silanol and/or siloxane), porosity and
2. Glass:
- used to identify vitreous silicate material prepared by fusing a base (Na2CO3 & CaCO3) with pure silica
Types of glass:
1. Type I- Borosilicate
2. Type II- Treated soda lime
3. Type III- soda lime
4. NP- general Soda Lime

1. MnO2- mask the blue green color of iron present in silica
2. Borates/Boron- decrease the coefficient of expansion, heat resistant, alkali resistant
3. Potassium- render the glass brown with light resistant properties.
4. Lead- increases the refractive index of the glass, light resistant

3. Talc (Talcum, Soapstone, French Chalk, Piedra Grasa, Creta Gallica) (Mg3(OH)2Si4O2)
- Softest mineral known
- Used in dusting powders as a protective agent and lubricant
- Useful filter aid (passed by no. 80 sieve, but retained by a no. 100 sieve are typically used)

4. Mica Al2 [(OH)2(Si3O10)] K and Chlorite Mg [(OH)2(Si4O10)]

- Negatively charged silicate layers

5. Bentonite/ Montmorillonite/ smectite/ Swelling clay Al4[(OH)4(Si8O20)] 3nH2O

- Insertion of up to three distinct layers of hydrogen-bridged water molecules
- suspending agent (gelling properties)

6. Kaolin/ Kaolinite [(OH)6Al4] [(OH)2(Si4O10)]

- Form of microcrystals of colloidal dimensions
- Adsorbent for diarrhea (intestinal adsorbents and protective agents)
- clarifying agent
7. Attapulgite Mg5 (Si8O20)(OH)2. 8H2O
- Double-chain structure with larger open spaces between the chains
- Adsorptive properties
- BN: Polymagma, Quintess, Old Diatabs
8. Feldspars KAlSi3O8
- Most common rock, the large cations are trapped in enlarged cavities within the aluminosilicate
9. Zeolites CaAl2Si4O12.6H2O
- connecting openings
- ion exchangers, dessicants and carriers for catalysts
10. Pumice
- porous rock of volcanic origin
- powdered form: used as a filter medium and dispersing agent
- found in dental preparations as an abrasive
11. Silicones (alkylsiloxanes)
- a condensation polymers of various types of alkylsilanols
- Simethicone- polymeric dimethysiloxane (use: antiflatulent, antifoaming agent)
- BN: Maalox Plus, Kremil-S, Simeco (dimethicone)

C. Germanium Ge “Ekasilicon”
- found in bis-B-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide is purported to have
immune system-enhancing and antitumor effects.
- has remarkable electrical properties
D. Tin (Sn) “Stannum”
- used in preparation of tin cans, household
Sn2+- stannous
Sn4+- stannic
1. SnF2- anticariogenic 8% sol’n
Adv. Disadv.
SnF2 1 application Freshly prepared
NaF 4 application
2. SnO2- use as germicide for Staphylococcus infection
E. Lead (Pb) “Plumbum”
- Pcol Use: Astringent, Protein precipitant
- poisoning: Plumbism (automobile exhausts-tetraethyl Pb)
- Sources of poisoning: lead pipes, paints, batteries, automobile exhausts, crayons, claypots,
canned foods (changed to Sn)
- Toxicity:
1. Wrist drop/ foot-drop: lead palsy-motor neurons
2. GIT: metallic taste; Balck stools
3. Blood: Microcytic, hypochromic anemia
4. Kidneys: Fanconi-Like syndrome
Manifestation: Hematuria, proteinuria, cast-cells in urine
5. Lead encephalopathy: irritability, memory loss, projectile vomiting (forceful)
Antidote: EDTA, Ca Versenate (adults), Succimer (Kids)

1. Lead Acetate (Pb (CH3COO)2) “Sugar of Lead”, “Burrow’s Solution”

Uses: astringent
2. Lead subacetate (Pb2 (CH3COO2) “Goulard’s Extract
Uses: astringent, antiseptic
3. PbO Lead Oxide
Litharge- natural mineral form
- canned good toxin, can cause lethargy
GROUP IVB “Titanium Family”
A. TITANIUM (Titan, Sons of the
o Powerful reducing agent
1. TiO2 - Opacifying agent (Ocusert®), UV ray protectant, use in the production of white capsules
PABA- p-aminobenzoic acid (absorbs UV)
TiO, TiO2, Ti2O3- water soluble

- antiperspirant but banned due to granuloma formation
- aluminum zirconium chloride (more effective) than aluminum chlorohydrate
- Zirconium oxide and zirconium carbonate- antiperspirant and tx. Of athlete’s foot
- From zirconium ore Cyanide (CN) - MOA: inhibits cytochrome oxidase (ETC)
Source: cassava, Na nitroprusside
GROUP VA “Nitrogen Family” Treatment:
1. NaNO2/Amylnitrite MOA: methemoglobinemia
A. NITROGEN (Mephitic air, azote, without life) 2. Sodium thiosulfate MOA: CN to thiocyanate
- Free in atmosphere (78%), colorless, tasteless, odorless 3. Methylene blue MOA: methemoglobinemia
- Free nitrogen atom is very reactive
- Primarily prepared by fractional distillation of liquid air
- Elemental Nitrogen: inert atmosphere in ampules NO3 NO2 + amines N-nitroso derivatives of
- Most abundant gas in air: 71% N2, 29% O2 amines (mutagenic agents) DNA mutation
Tumor Cells (benign) cancer cells (malignant)


Cont: BLACK Liquid nitrogen – refrigerant; preserve
biological sample; cryogenic preservation
N2O Laughing Gas, Nitrogen monoxide, Inhalational anesthetic (general)
Cont: BLUE Dinitrogen monoxide SE: diffusion hypoxia
Nitric Oxide (NO) An important Neurotransmitter produced
by neurons & other cells causing
vasodilation by acting as a ligand for iron in
heme group
NO2 Nitrite Vasodilator, For CN poisoning,
NO3 Nitrate Preservative, used as anion for medicinally
active cations such as AgNO3, Thiamine
mononitrate, Carcinogenic
HNO3 Spirit of Nitre, Aqua Fortis/Fuerte/Eau
B. PHOSPHORUS (light carrier, St. Elmo’s Fire)
2 common allotropic forms:
1. Yellow/ white- distinctive disagreeable, ozone-like odor
- When heated at about 500C it ignites spontaneously
- Insoluble in water but soluble in chloroform, benzene, or carbon disulfide
- Poisonous and on the skin can cause severe burns that are slow to heal
- Antidote: Copper Sulfate

2. Red- brown to red amorphous powder (Matchstick)

- Nontoxic/ nonflammable in air except at high temperature
- Insoluble in any common solvent

Allotropic Modifications:
1. Scarlet P- heating with PBr with Hg at 2400C
2. Violet P – Heating white P with Na 2000C
3. Black/Metallic P- Heating P with Pb at 5300C

1. PO4 Antacid, Cathartic

2. H3PO4 /Orthophosphoric acid
3. HPH2O2 Is an antioxidant, used primarily with iodide and iron (II)
4. Tribasic calcium, magnesium and Gastric antacid
aluminum phosphates
5. Monobasic alkali phosphates Urinary acidifiers
6. Dibasic sodium phosphate Active ingredient in various saline cathartics and enemas.
7. Calcium Phosphate/ Hydroxyapatite Main organic component of bones and teeth.

C. ARSENIC (Lewisite Metal)

Note: Arsenic compounds are
- As3+ (Toxic) - Binds to sulfhydryl groups of enzymes and proteins
poisonous. If they are still in the GI
 Hair and nails (keratin) – rich in cysteine tract, a freshly prepared mixtures of
 Hair (sample) – Test: 3.0N Boiling HCl iron (III) and magnesium hydroxides
Nails- Mee’s lines- blue/dark discoloration in nails is administered orally as an antidote.
 Antidote: BAL IF absorbed already, dimercaprol
- As (Nontoxic) (IM) is effective.

- Protoplasmic poison
- Insecticide: Copper Aceto Arsenite (Paris green)
- First anti-syphilis (Paul Ehrlich) – Arsphenamine/Salvarsan/Magic bullet/Compound 606
1. As2O3 / white arsenic– Insecticide, Antileukemic, anticancer
 Arsenic Trioxide injection (1mg/mL)- used to treat acute promyelocytic leukemia
 Serious side-effects: Electrocardiocardiographic abnormalities
2. Donovan’s solution- red solution, AsI3 + 1%HgI2, Insecticide
3. AsI3 – uses primary standard ceric sulfate
4. Paris green (copper aceto Arsenite)
5. Fowler’s solution (K arsenite)- antileukemic
6. Sodium Arsenate (74As) - diagnostic aid

D. ANTIMONY (Sb) “stybium”

PCOL USES: Expectorant, emetic, Antheimintic (kill and expel), vermifuge (Expel only)
1. Na stibogluconate- Leishmaniasis
2. SbKOC4H4O6 (Tartar emetic, Brown mixture) – First compound
 Emetic and treatment of schistosomiasis (liver Fluke Infection)
2 Hosts:
 Snails (oncomelaria)
 Humans (cercaria)- skin penetration
Swimmer’s itch- red dots-point of entry
 Treatment: Praziquantel
3. Sb2S3 – red orange sulfide or orange only
- Antimony glance (mineral)

Black stools: Lead (Pb), Bismuth

E. BISMUTH (Beautiful Meadow)
(Bi) and Iron (Fe)
- Astringent, Antiseptic
- Internal protective for ulcer- not monotherapy, combination with PPI, H2 Blockers, Antibiotics
- Used in silvering of mirror Blue line Gums: Bismuth & Lead
- Dark stool, Blue-black gums – antidote: Dimercaprol Black Line Gums: Arsenic & Mercury
- HS + Bismuthyl ion Bismuth (III) sulfide (insol. Dark brown) (Dark stools)
1. Bi Subcarbonate, Subgallate, Subnitrate - Antacid, Astringent, Antiseptic
2. Milk of Bi (Bismuth Cream) Bi subnitrate + Bi OH - Antacid, Internal protective, Inhibits H. pylori
3. Colloidal bismuth subcitrate – treatment of peptic ulcer disease
- Not affected by body fluid, Sheet form used in repair of bones, nerve and tissue
- Implants: Compatible with body fluids

GROUP VIA: CHALCOGENS Oxygen requirement:

1. Anoxic - inadequate O2 tension in air
A. OXYGEN (Empyreal air, Dephlogisticated air, Yne, Aire Vital, Fire Air, Aire 2. Anemic - lack of carrier in heme
Puro) 3. Stagnant- Blood circulation is retarded
- Most abundant element, discovered by Scheele, named by Lavoisier 4. Histotoxic - cell defect interference of
cell metabolism
- Industrial Process: fractional distillation of liquid air
- Oxygen produced from air by molecular sieve is 93%.
- Ozonized air (air treated to convert some of its oxygen into ozone) used in
various disinfecting and bleaching operations
1. Treatment of hypoxia/asphyxia, COPD, cyanide poisoning
2. Oxidative metabolism for the production of energy
3. Final e- acceptor in ETC
4. Isotopes of oxygen- tracer elements
Allotropic Forms:
Container: GREEN
O – Nascent
O2 – Oxygen gas, Molecules or
Carbon Dioxide atmospheric
(Carbonic Acid Gas, Carbonic Anhydride) O3 – Ozone, toxic gas, powerful
• Container: GRAY oxidizing agent
• Solid Carbon Dioxide or “Dry Ice” - refrigerant

Hydrogen peroxide
 Prepared by the electrolysis of a concentrated solution of either HsSO4 or Ammonium sulfate.
 Pure concentrated H2O2 is stable; however, in commercial preparations must be stabilized by
preservative such as acetanilide.
 Available in 3%, 6%, 30%, 70% and 90% solutions
 Concentration is expressed as volume strength; 10 volume is 3%; Conc. H2O2 USP is 30% solution
 H2O2 Topical solution USP (3%) – mild, fast acting, oxidizing germicide that will destroy most
pathogenic bacteria.

B. SULFUR (Brimstone, Shubari, Enemy of Copper)

- at room temperature sulfur (rhombic sulfur) is the stable form
- Beta sulfur (monoclinic sulfur) 960C is stable
- antifungal
- Used in preparation of scabicidal and keratolytic ointment or lotion
- Stimulant cathartic
- Depilatory agent- Pili removal of hair from the skin
- Fumigant (SO2)- pest control method that used in gaseous pesticide
- Anti-dandruff (S2)

2 Forms of Sulfur:
 Precipitated S (Milk of Sulfur) – (PS: small) – used in prep’n of
keratolytic/ scabicide ointments and lotions.
 Sublimed sulfur (Flower of Sulfur) – (coarse)- cathartic

Oil of Vitriol Dehydrating agent in Pyroxylin

H2SO4 Vitrilic Acid Nordhausen acid – Fuming
Aceitede de Vitriolo H2SO4

Sulfur Dioxide Sulfurous Anhydride Antioxidant

Flower of Sulfur Cathartic

Sublimed Sulfur (condensed sulfur vapors)
Asufre, Rhombic S + Lime  Vleminckx’s solution
Precipitated Sulfur (sulfur + metal
Milk of Sulfur Prepared by mixing
Sulfurated Potash (K polysulfides + K Psoriasis, Parasiticide
Liver of Sulfur
thiosulfate) White lotion (ZnS)
Prepared by adding freshly
White Lotion, USP prepared, filtered, sulfurated
potash sol’n to zinc sulfate sol’n
2.5% suspension in the topical
Selenium sulfide, USP treatment of seborrheic
Treatment of seborrheic
Cadmium Sulfide, USP
Prepared from the sulfite by the
reaction with sulfur, antidote for
Sodium Thiosulfate, USP
CN- poisoning, analytical reagent
for the determination of iodine

C. SELENIUM (Selena, Moon)

 Promotes Vit. E absorption
 Essential trace element
 Antioxidant
 SeS2 / Selsun blue – anti-dandruff 2.5%
 Selenomithionine Se 75 Injection USP – used in the diagnosis of pancreatic tumors and growths

A. CHROMIUM (Glucose tolerance factor) - Deficiency: hyperglycemia Powerful Oxidizing agent:
- Similar to insulin- decrease blood sugar level KMnO4, K2Cr2O7
K2Cr2O7 - powerful oxidizing agent 10 ROH Aldehyde -COOH
Cr – employed as a biological tracer in certain hematological 2 ROH Ketone
procedures 3 ROH NR
B. MOLYBDENUM - Co-factor enzyme of the flavin
Molybdenum Oxide + FeSO4 – hematinic (BN: MOL-IRON)
C. URANIUM - Becquerel, Atomic bombs
1 Bq= 1 disintegration per second/BPS

GROUP VIIA: HALOGENS (Salt-forming group)

- Strongest oxidizing agent
- Most electronegative
- Essential element and present in teeth and bones
- Fluorosis (Mottled enamel, Abnormal bone growth)
1. NaF - anticariogenic at 2% solution
2. SnF2 - anticariogenic at 8% solution
3. Na2FPO3 - anticariogenic
4. CCl2F2 - refrigerant, aerosol propellant (Freon®)

B. CHLORINE (Dephlogisticated muriatic acid)

- Most abundant extracellular anion, green gas
- Used as water disinfectant
- USP diluted acids: 10% (w/v) except Diluted
Acetic acid 6% (w/v)
1. Hypochlorite (Na, K) - bleaching agent
- Sodium Hypochlorite topical solution USP contains 0.025% sodium hypochlorite, has a pH 8 (close
to plasma pH of 7.4); it allows tissue to regenerate and it is also antiviral and antimicrobial.
- Bleaching powder, Calcium hypochlorite- one of the most effective and least expensive disinfectants
- Potassium chlorate- present in mouthwashes, vaginal douches and other local cleansing prep’n
2. Ammonium chloride- expectorant and systemic acidifying agent
3. NaCl- Fluid retention
4. Cl2 – chlorine gas- water disinfectant
5. Halazone- liberates Cl2 gas in potable water
6. HCl (Muriatic acid, Spirit of Sea Salt, Marine Acid, Espiritu de Sal Marine) - treatment of achlorhydria
Muriatic acid- yellow coloration due to impurities Cl, Arsenous and Sulfurous acid

- Dark reddish brown fuming liquid with suffocating odor
- Powerful caustic and germicide but not employed
- If skin is exposed to bromine, the area should be washed with a sol’n of NaHCO3 and treated with glycerine
- Sedative/depressant
- Brominism (Skin eruption, Psychosis, Weakness, Headache) | NaCl and NH4Cl

- Oldest known germicide
- Expectorant, Antifungal
- Preparation of T3 (triiodothyronine)-more active and T4 (Tetraiodothyromine/thyroxine)- more abudndant
- With starch – blue/violet, with glycogen- red
- Iodine + sulfur- iodophors
- I2 – poisonous, antidote: cornstarch and sodium thiosulfate
- Deficiency: Goiter (hypoiodism)
- Elemental Iodine preparation:
1. Strong Iodine Solution (Lugol’s Solution) - 5% , for the treatment of hyperthyroidism
2. Iodine Solution - 2% alcohol and water, antiseptic
3. Iodine Tincture - 2% with 50% alcohol
4. Povidone-Iodine (Betadine®) - PVP (nonionic surfactant), solubilizer of I2

E. ASTATINE – rarest element

- Only metallic; Only synthetic halogen; Only radioactive halogen

o Co-factor in enzymatic activity:
1. Protein synthesis
2. Phosphorylation
3. Fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis
o Poisoning: Parkinson-like symptoms (resting tremors)
1. KMnO4 (Mineral Chameleon) - oxidizing agent, antiseptic, powerful deodorant and cleanser
- used in the form of dilute (0.01% to 1.00%)
- gastric lavage using dilute permanganate solutions is antidotal for various alkaloids and
other toxic substances ingested
B. Rhenium- Catalysts for dehydrogenation

C. TECHNETIUM (Technetos)
- 1st element produced artificially
- Used in preparation of radiopharmaceuticals
Radiopharmaceuticals- A chemical containing a radioactive isotope for use in humans for the purpose of diagnosis,
mitigation, or treatment of a disease.


1. Tc99m-Phytate Liver imaging & potency studies

2. Tc99m-heptagluconate Kidney imaging, determine renal function
3. Tc99m-IDA Hepatobiliary studies
4. Tc99m-Etidronate Bone imaging
5. I-131-Human Serum Albumin Blood plasma volume/cardiac output determination
6. NaI-125 Thyroid function
7. Sodium Phosphate Serum Localization of ocular tumors, polycythemia vera
8. Sodium Chromate Cr 51 RBC mass, volume, survival time, scanning of spleen
9. Gold Au 198 Scintillation scanning of the liver
10. Chlormerodin Hg 197/203 Scintillation scanning of the kidneys or the brain
11. Cyanocobalamin 57 capsules Pernicious anemia
12. I 125 serum albumin injection Blood volume Determination
13. Iodohippurate I 131 injection Renal Function
14. Sodium Iodide 131 capsules/injection Thyroid function, Thyroid inhibitor
15. Sodium Pertechnetate Tc99m inj. Brain and thyroid scanning
16. Sodium Phosphate P 32 solution Ocular tumor localization, antipolycythemic
17. `Tc99m pentetate glomerular filtration and urinary collection system
18. Tc99m Albumin Aggregated inj. Lung scanning
19. Tc99m Sulfur Colloid inj. Liver scanning
20. Tc99m Labeled RBC Cardiac pool pumping
21. Tc99m Methylene Diphosphonate Bone imaging
22. Tc99m pyrophosphonate Cardiac infarct imaging
23. Tc99m Sulfur colloid cooked in scrambled eggs Gastric emptying imaging
24. BaSO4 and BaSO4 for suspension USP intestinal tract
25. Iopanoic Acid USP visualization of the Gall bladder
26. Gadolinium (element 64) in various complexes such as a cationic diethylenetriamine pentaaceticacid
complex with a meglumine anion was facilitated the visualization of intracranial lesions by paramagnetic

1 Alpha particles (a 42He2+)

• heaviest and slowest of all radioactive emissions (0.1 the speed of light)
• penetrating power is very low and can be stopped by a sheet of
paper or a very thin sheet of Al
• usually emitted only from elements having atomic numbers greater than 82
2 Beta particles (B or B+)
• negatively charged species having a mass of an electron
• move at a faster velocity (0.9 the speed of light)
• their emissions from elements do not alter the mass number but do alter the atomic
• more penetrating power and able to travel 10 to 15 cm in water or penetrate almost
1 inch thickness of Al
• sometimes called negatrons
• emitted by unstable nuclei having neutrons in excess of protons

3 Gamma Radiation (t)

• photon of electromagnetic radiation
• demonstrates both wave and particle properties as do electrons and beta particles
short wavelength similar to x-rays and travel at the speed of light
• no mass and no charge
• excellent penetrating power (very thick lead is required to protect against it)


o 2nd lightest gas
o Donald-duck-like sound
o Use:
1. Carrier/diluents of medically important gases
2. Component of artificial gas
Container: BROWN

o For advertising

- Most Abundant noble gas
- Substitute for N2 in providing inert atmosphere; Container: RED (Argon methane)
- By-product of fractionalization of liquid air for production of oxygen and nitrogen
D. KRYPTON “Hidden”
- Least abundant of all noble gases
- Have inhalational anesthetic activity

o Investigational with inhalatory anesthetic activity

F. RADON (Niton)

- Synthetic noble gas

- Used for treatment of CA (cervical CA)
- Recovered from the natural decay products of Radium

A. IRON “FERRUM” Metals present in
Fe - ferrous (green) for IDA cytochrome oxidase: Fe, Cu
Fe3+ - ferric (yellow, orange/brown)
Natural source Minetal:
 Hematite: Red Oxide- Fe2O3
 Iron stone: FeCO3
 Pyrite/ Fool’s Gold- FeS
Present in proteins:
1. Hemoglobin (Transport) and myoglobin (storage)- O2 carriers
2. Transferrin- transport form of Fe
3. Ferritin – storage form of iron
4. Cytochrome oxidase enzyme found in liver that is used in metabolism
Enhance absorption of
1. Vit C
2. Copper
Iron Toxicity: Hemochromatosis/Hemosiderosis
Most important element in engineering
(Prussian blue stain of the heart)
Use: hematinic
1. GIT distress
2. Cardiac collapse
Antidote: Dexferroxamine

1. FeSO4 (Iron Sulfate, Copperas, Green Vitriol, Iron Vitriol) - Hematinic, SE: constipation, tarry stool
2. Ferrous gluconate - Fergon®, Advantage: less irritating
3. Ferrous fumarate - Toleron®
4. FeCO3 (Chalybeate pills, Ferruginous pills, Blaud’s pills) - Hematinic
5. FeCl3 - Astringent, Styptic, tannins and phenol detection
6. Basham’s Mixture (Iron + NH4 acetate) - Astringent, Styptic
7. Iron sorbitex injection (Fe with sorbitol & citric acid) - poor GI tolerance or poor absorption of Fe
8. Fe4*Fe(CN)6+3 (Ferriferrocyanide or Prussian blue) blue print dye
9. Fe3*Fe(CN)6+2 (Ferroferricyanide or Turnbull’s blue) blue print dye
10. Cast iron or pig iron - most impure form of iron & contains the highest percentage of C from 2.5%
to 5% and about 2% of other impurities like Si, P, Mn and S
11. Wrought iron – purest form of iron & contains the lowest percentage of C from 0.1% to 0.25%

o Essential in development of erythrocyte and hemoglobin
o Component of Vit. B12 (cyanocobalamin): schilling test
o Deficiency: Megaloblastic anemia and Pernicious anemia
- Enhancer of the foaming of Beer

1. CoCl2 Lover’s ink, sympathetic ink - dessicator indicator (silice gel beads)
Pink-hydrated, Blue- anhydrous
2. Cobalt zincate Rinmann’s Green - test for Zn ion
3. Cobalt meta-aluminate Thenard’s blue - test for Al ion

C. NICKEL (Old nick’s copper)

o Fossil fuel, fancy jewelries
o Present in fake jewelries- contact dermatitis (also Gold)
o Present in metal fuel phosphocombustion
o NiCO3 and NiSO4 – used as parasiticides

o Heaviest/densest metal
1. Osmic acid and Osmium tetroxide
Both used in staining microorganism for microscopic study especially electron microscopy.

E. PLATINUM - Catalyst in finely divided steel

- More expensive than Gold
- Used in making crucibles
Organic Drugs with Platinum:
1. Cisplatin (cis-diaminedichlorolatinum)- treatment for prostate cancer
2. Transplatin- ineffective
3. Carboplatin/ cisdiamine (1,1-cyclobutanedicarboxylato) -anti-cancer, less toxic than cisplatin

F. PALLADIUM - Catalyst in finely divided steel, organic reaction, hydrogenation

G. RUTHENIUM (Ru) – complexes
- For cancer (under studies)

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