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Juxtaposition Assignment Created Juxtaposition

Objective: Students will be able to create their own instance of

juxtaposition, using a common photo that they take combined
with an opposed caption that creates a humorous effect.
1. Students will take a photo of something of their choosing
preferably an object or situation.
2. Students will combine this object with a caption that creates
a sense of juxtaposition the two need to be opposed to in
some way or manner.
3. In a paragraph, students will identify the two juxtaposed
items/concepts, and explain the overall effect/conclusion
that can be drawn from it.
4. Students will then either upload or bring in the juxtaposed
image/caption/explanation on April 27th, 2015.
Note: Although juxtaposition lends itself to whimsical humor,
please be cautious about profane/explicit content please check
with Mr. Parker is you are uncertain about content
Option B:
If the student does not have a camera or means to create a
photo, the student may use a stock image online, in a journal,
magazine, etc.

Trio Accused in Local Florida Slaying Victim

Never Saw it Coming.
In this image, a rather delightful man with birds across him is juxtaposed with a
caption that describes the slaying of someone. Since there are three birds in the
photograph, the effect created is that the birds are the killers and the man in the
photo is the one being slain. Also, being that he looks happy, this adds into the
sense that he never saw it coming.

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