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Student Needs Chart ED 450







Description of Student
Jase is one of the better
behaved and higher level
students in the class. He is
quite and kind of shy and I wish
he would step up as a leader.
Kenny and Jase a very good
friends are at approximately the
same ability level. Kenny is not
quite or shy though. Just like
Jase, I wish he would step up as
a leader in the class.
Jordan is a good kid at heart,
but also puts more effort into
being goofy than his school
Noah struggles to get on task
and stay on task. He is a nice,
intelligent kid, but has a hard
time showing because he is
constantly off task and day

Daniel is a quiet, shy student

that has recently started to
come out of his shell and step
up as a leader in the classroom.
He is a hard worker and
improving every day.
Gaibe is another student that
presents a unique challenge for
me. He is very good at math,
but when it comes to reading
and writing he struggles.

How are you applying your knowledge and skills to meet the
unique cognitive, behavioral, and/or cultural needs of each
Jase has surpassed many students in his reading, writing, and math
abilities. He is one of the students I need to provide extra activities for,
or a more advanced activity than the original lesson.
Kenny is especially good in reading and math. Like Jase, I often provide
him with additional or more advanced activities.

Jordan requires frequent redirection back onto the task at hand. When
he gets, and stays, engaged he does very well, but it does not take
much to disengage him. Jordan does best when he can separate himself
from the class and focus on the task at hand.
Noah is a day dreamer. The best way I have found to make sure is
staying on task during lecture and work time is to frequently ask him
questions based on the lesson and make frequent stops by his desk.
The more often I interact with him the easier it is to check and redirect
his focus. If I take a break from him, I find it difficult to get him back
going in the right direction. He also takes his time with transitions and
similar activities. I have started using a timer in the morning and after
lunch at his locker so he knows that he only has a certain amount of
time to get ready and get into class. It seems to be working.
When I first started in the class, Daniel seemed to keep to himself.
Recently, he has stepped up, especially in group activities. He is
frequently the student that attempts to refocus the students. It is very
nice to have a student act as a leader, and he seem to be thriving in
the position. He work has significantly improved and he no longer has
missing assignments, what used to be a frequent problem.
Gaibe struggles in reading and writing, and this sometimes leads to
outbursts. He requires a lot of support in this area. If the support is
there and he can continue to make progress in the assignment,
outbursts usually can be avoided. If Gaibe is having a bad day though,
sometimes the outburst are unavoidable. Structure and support are the

Student Needs Chart ED 450



Orrin is another or of the upper

level students in the class. He is
extremely quiet. I have found
that he often has something to
add to the conversation, he just
chooses not to say it.
Seth is Orrins cousin and they
are in many ways total
opposites. Seth is slow and
methodical in almost
everything he does.


Jackson is another unique

challenge in the classroom. He
is a very kind, intelligent, and
helpful student.


Zac is a good kid, but he

struggles in many subjects. He
is quiet, sometimes to a fault. I
have found he often does not
ask questions when he has


Jacob is another student that

falls into the upper level of the
class. However, sometimes he
goes so fast on assignments he
makes mistakes and his
handwriting is difficult to read.


Ted is one of our students with

special needs. He is a really

two things that seem to help Gaibe the most throughout the day.
Orrin does almost every task quickly. He requires me to always be
thinking a step ahead. He is frequently is the first student done with a
task or assignment, and always asks what he can do next. I have to
have things ready for when he gets done.
Seth is an intelligent student, he just has a hard time showing it. He
takes his time with tasks and assignments, and when he gets them
done, he frequently forgets to turn the assignments in. I have found the
best think for Seth is frequent reminders, and them more reminders,
and lastly, another reminder. Seth needs the reminders, and sometimes
a little poking and prodding to be successful.
Jackson is an intelligent student. However, he does not like challenges.
If a task becomes too difficult for Jackson he gets angry and checks out.
This is especially frustrating when it disrupts the class. We have a
strategy that works most of the time. If Jackson is becoming frustrated
he is allowed to get up and go for a walk. He quietly gets up and steps
out into the hallway and is only gone for about 5 minutes. This works
nearly every time.
Zac requires a lot of support. As I mentioned, he often does not ask the
questions he has. This prevents him from moving forward in lessons. I
have learned to recognize his body language and know when he is not
understanding. I frequently allow him to come up to the board during
group instruction and work out problems with me for the class. This
allows him to get the added support he requires while allowing me to
continue with the lesson.
Jacob is an intelligent student. He excels especially in math. Sometimes
though, his handwriting and speed hurts him. He needs frequent
reminders to slow down, check his work, and check his penmanship.
Jacob also struggles with blurting. This, paired with his speed,
sometimes does not allow student during class discussions to work out
problems for themselves. Now, when I ask questions in class I remind
students to not say the answer out loud, but to simply put their hands
up when they have an answer. This helps the whole class, because
many of them have a hard time with blurting.
Ted does his best when I can work with him one on one. He requires
support to stay on task and to take each task step by step. When he

Student Needs Chart ED 450


nice kid that always has

something to add to group
Tyler is a new student. He has a
lot of energy and always offers
to help.


Aiden is an intelligent student

with a lot of energy. He is a
challenging student for me.


Joey is another day dreamer.

This leads to him struggling in
some subjects.


Gary is a kind student.

However, he struggles in many
subjects and requires a lot of
support and guidance.


Shawn struggles with some

topics, but is willing to put in
the work. He is another class
clown, but not a disruptive one.
His sense of humor lightens
every ones mood.
Collin is a very kind and
extremely helpful student. He
always volunteers when one is


has this support, he does well.

Tyler, as I mentioned, has a lot of energy. My class recently received
wiggle seats, yoga balls, and other fidget tools. Tyler benefits greatly
from these. The wiggle seats allow Tyler to ability to get his movement
out without disrupting the class. Fidget tools help him to stay focused
and stay on task. When he has these tools, he takes part in class
discussion and stays on task during assignments.
Aiden is another student that has benefited greatly from our recently
acquired fidget tools. I have noticed a huge change in his behavior
since we got them. Aiden is an attention seeking student, and without
the fidget tools frequently disrupts class. He does not disrupt because
he struggles with assignments, he is just the class clown. I have found
that involving him in class discussions as much as possible keeps him
on task and acting appropriately.
Joey has a difficult time staying engaged in class discussions and
staying on task during work time. It does not take much to draw his
attention away from the task at hand. His seat has been moved to the
front of the room so I have easy access to him. He is another student
that benefits from being frequently involved in the class conversation
and doing problems on the board with me like Zac.
When I work one on one with Gary I find that he is able to do most
things in the class. However, as soon as I step away he seems to forget
the process. This is especially apparent in math. When I am there
asking him how to solve the problem and what steps he is using, he can
walk me through the problem. But, when he doesnt have that support
he frequently does not use the correct steps or operations. Support and
guidance are of great benefit to Gary.
Shawn is right on the edge. When he is struggling with a topic, he asks
questions. When given support he takes what he is given and works
hard towards a solution. Shawn, like so many in this class, require
support. Shawn takes whatever support is given and runs with it.
Collin does not require much support during the day. He is a leader and
does not even realize it. Collin is a student that leads by example. If
there were more students as helpful and hard working as Collin our

Student Needs Chart ED 450




Jack is a very kind, quiet, and
intelligent student.
Autumn is a kind and quiet
student. Much like Shawn, she
struggles sometimes but seeks
help and runs with it.
Trinity is an intelligent student
with and energy level on a
similar level.


Rachel is an independent
student that does well across
the board.


Morgan is another extremely

kind and helpful student that
loves helping out around the


Ariana is a shy, quiet student.

She is very kind and helpful too.


Kimmy is another student with

special needs. She is a sweet
girl that loves to help out the
teacher and her fellow
Karissa and Kimmy are best
friends and very alike. Karissa


class would be a well-oiled machine.

Jack is another silent leader. He stays on task and works hard towards
getting assignments done. I wish he would encourage his fellow
students to follow his footsteps, something I have been trying to
encourage him to do.
Like Shawn, Autumn is not afraid to seek help when she needs it. She
uses the support offered to her to the best of her ability. Autumn does
best in a quiet environment and frequently asks if she can work in the
hall, an accommodation I am more than will to make for her.
Trinity excels in reading and writing. Her abilities are hampered by her
penmanship. I frequently have to remind Trinity to slow down, take her
time and check her work and penmanship. Trinity is another student
that benefits from a timer. When she has a clear end goal and a time
allotted for her to complete her task, like transitioning from her locker
to the classroom in the morning and after lunch, she can accomplish
the task, but without the timer, she often becomes distracted.
Rachel rarely asks questions, but frequently volunteers to give answers.
I have been pushing her lately to challenger herself. In reading and
writing she likes to stay within her comfort zone. I want her to try
different genres of books, and step away from the narrative writing she
does so well.
Morgan is another student that does her best in a quiet environment.
Like Autumn, she frequently asks to do her work in the hallway or in a
different room. In this environment, she is a successful student. Morgan
also attends afterschool tutoring, which I help out with, and has seen
great improvements. She benefits greatly from the one on one support
that she is able to get.
Ariana is another student that is too shy to ask for help. I have learned
to recognize her body language and can offer her support when she
requires it. Ariana also attends after school tutoring and she benefits
greatly from the one on one interaction she is able to receive.
Kimmy requires a lot of support. She spends part of the day in a pull out
special education classroom. When she is with us in the classroom, she
does specialized assignments to help build knowledge. A lot of this is
done on iPads and computers. She enjoys these programs and seems to
benefit from them greatly.
Karissa and Kimmy are on a similar schedule as far as going to the pull
out classroom and work together on the same programs and activities

Student Needs Chart ED 450






always has a smile on that

makes my day.
Lia is a friendly, hardworking
student that is a leader in the

Malaya, Lia and Izzy are all

close friends and seems be on
the same level in most
Izzy, Malaya, and Lia are a close
knit group of friends that all
excel and struggle with the
same topics.
Madi presents perhaps the most
unique challenge in the
classroom. She does not speak
to adults, one or two at most, in
the building, and only talks to a
few of her classmates.
Alina requires a lot of guidance
and support. When she
struggles she becomes
frustrated which sometimes
leads to outbursts.

on the iPads and computers.

Lia is a leader among the female students in the classroom. She sets a
great example of proper behavior and hard work. Lia however,
struggles with reading. I have worked with her on taking her time and
on comprehension. She can read quickly, but does not remember what
she has read. Reading and retelling and answering comprehension
questions has made a significant difference for her.
These three girls, Lia, Malaya, and Izzy, all seem to excel and struggle
in the same subjects. They work well together in a group and frequently
are allowed to work on assignments together.
Izzy is a hard worker, but can become disruptive when she begins to
struggle. Izzy, Malaya, and Lia work well together and frequently are
able to collectively solve problems. Izzy does best in the front of the
classroom where she can stay engaged and stay involved in the class
Madi has never spoken to me. This causes her to struggle in some
subjects. Because she does not speak to me, she does not ask the
questions she has. When I try to check her understanding she does not
respond. When I try to work with her she rarely interacts with me. I
have made some gains with her though. She will write for me with
guidance. My biggest goal with Madi is for her to speak to me before I
With support and guidance Alina reaches the goals set for her.
However, if an assignment or task becomes difficult she often checks
out and becomes disruptive. I do my best to help Alina as much as
possible and to involver her in group discussion because this seems to
help her with her understanding.

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