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Steven Sweatt

UWRT 1102

As I am sitting here in the lobby of Cameron Hall, I notice many students either
writing or reading. There is a guy sitting in a chair across from me, he seems to be very
focused on his work he is doing on his laptop. However I just noticed that he keeps
going from looking at his computer to looking at his phone, as if he is anticipating a call
or a text. Even though he is focused on his work, he seems very relaxed opposed to the
women in the corner.
She looks to be an upper-classmen, possibly a junior or senior. She seems either
mad, upset, or confused. The reason I figure that is because I can hear her angrily
striking the keys on her laptop all the way across the room. I really feel sorry for that
keyboard, from the looks of it, if this continues much longer its going to be out for the
As Im writing, a group of ladies come in and sit down at the table next to me. As
I glance over every now and again, trying not to make it obvious I was watching them, I
noticed every one of them on their phone. It seemed as if this one girls fingers were
moving at the speed of light. In all of my life I have never seen anyone type that fast.
As I am finishing this assignment, I notice this guy come in and sit down near me.
He pulled out the book, Gabriela clove and cinnamon. I knew thats what it was,
because Im required to read it for one of my classes. He was the same as many
students, going from their work to check their phone. He would send a few txt, then go
back to reading. Through my observation, I came to the conclusion that, checking your
phone is part of a college students literacy.

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