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Edina. oy: Gin Brophy Brophy 1 Erin Brophy. Dr. Werner ; op dan ye 0 Academic Weng ae 2 March 2015 Annotated Bibliography Faghih, 5, Abhadi, AR, Hedayati, M, Kimiagar, SM. “Comparison of the effects of cows’ milk, fortified soy milk, and calcium supplements on weight and fat loss in premenopausal women.” Nutrition ‘Metabolism and Cardiovoscular Disease 27.1 (2011): 499-503. Print. wine This article was a lab report on a study done by four researchers that studied the effects of types cof milk versus calcium supplements on the human body. The 100 participants of the study ranged from healthy weight to overweight to obese and were randomly assigned to #/diet groups. Each diet group had a different regimen for consumption and,were either told to consume low-fat mil ue Par aPAMS had been fortified with calcium, or dveet-sources of calclum through calcium supplements, After an 8 direk FOw saturated fat inthe diet. Teicholz notes that many of the regulations put forth by government AK (eLomrondodenns organizations lke the USDA are based on longitudinal case studies that have been monitoring people over their Iifetimes, She states that these studies are “weak and impressionist” and agree (Tichoe 3). (ie fact ofthe matter is that the main goals to find a diet that reduced heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and many other diet based health issues so when something looks lke a plausible cause for these illnesses, itis readily denoted as “bad for one’s health” because these diseases are so serious that any helpul bit ofintrmation jumped én: > PD ; ; ie Supported Oy Y ~ pao PO Uses 2. {8 pec ik study run by natn Eimer V. McCollum thats Cs tothe argument thas nee rats a diet high in dairy, meat, and milk products and the other he fed a diet Teicholz called “near- sded to Support a healthy body \McCollum fed one group of vegetarian” eating solely fruits, veggies, and oats (Teicholz 149). in his study, McCollum found that the rats fed on milk and dairy products (butter), milk and meat, grew to “normal adult size” and were able to reproduce and live normally, whereas the vegetarian group grew weaker and only grew to about 60 percent of normal rat size (Teicholz 149). This is important to note because it offers a direct correlation between milk consumption and proper growth and development. para ctcks ; loge, weigh a aane Fi ally Wale ¥¥ \ofe. Brophy Aa, acwawl 4 hs wt Amin, Waker “WoURETS, Nvina Teichol'-bookenot only prevents valatve studies and specific facts, showleo talks about her own personal experience and relationship with saturated fats. Teicholz was on a diet that she regulated by the USDA's low recommended daily allowances for fat intake to lose weight. When Teicholz ‘moved to New York to write a restaurant review newspaper column, she started to eat creamvladen and heavy meat meals given to her by the restaurants. To her surprise, Teicholz actually lost 10 pounds nad \was told by her doctor that her cholesterol levels were good. Her story provides @ testimonial that could bbe useful in my paper to convince skeptic readers that may doubt scientific fact and prefer hearing a reablife story on the success of a milk diet. wes. W\(2.L, EXPLANA To Weaver, CV. "Dairy nutrition beyond infancy.” Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 58.2 (2003): 58-60. Print This is a peer reviewed journal article of a study published in the Australian Journal of Dairy Technology. This study measured the mineral bone density of the bones in hips and spine and found that ‘consumption of milk increased mineral bone densityand natjust iq the way-7oU.would thipk: Milk is ~ well-known for its calcium content, but other nutrients present such as riboflavin, vitamin D, phosphorous, magnesium, and potassium. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) sets guidelines for how much of certain nutrients or foods a person should have in one day. These guidelines are called the Recommended Daily Allowances (ROA) and serve as a tool for the American public to regulate their diet. For example, one liter of milk meets the RDA 100% for Calcium, 150% for Phosphorous, 68% for Protein, {44% for Potassium, 37% for Magnesium, 32% Riboflavin and in North America, this meets 100% of the RDA for Vitamin D (58). Ths article really stresses the benefit of consuming dairy products to obtain not just calcium, but a plethora of other necessary nutrients. WC.178 ort ema WE ws vroniyd 3 vt A an ) PRLessaKy for Cala, ™ contin pub Gigesor J + IPS week jhe consesng te hse neat oF sherommon mage Hat comesta MO EEORE (cae cont ‘one of bone strength due to calcium intake, which although true; CM'Weaver argues that there isalot. MI" iy ber which a) ye; ra | ‘moré to-milk that just Calcium in her journal article about the importance of milk consumption after guitarist ‘Jweaning. This idea that milk offers'a plethora of nutrients is the most important from this article, Connie | * | Weaver, aprofessor and the department head of the Department of Nutrition Science at Purdue 5, | | oe Universit, states that “most age groups need three to four servings of milk to meet their calm "As, cal aise requirements” (58).-Weaverstates that supplements do not provide the same amount of nutrients and | f (s@ the required intake of calcium can only come from dairy: One reason this is true is because milk is a source of “bioavailable dairy” meaning the body can naturally and pretty easly absorb it, as long as the person is not lactose intolerant (Weaver 58). There are very few studies done on the specific effect of milk in the body so this isa really helpful article to reference when making the argument that milk is an important aspect of a healthy diet because of all of the nutrients it provides. (WC: 207)

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