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Katya Cepeda

UWRT 1101
April 27, y

Midterm Reflection
It is almost difficult for me to grasp the fact that it is already halfway through the
semester. By taking this course, I feel like I have developed significantly as a writer. I never
knew how important it was to actually know what youre talking about when youre writing a
paper about something, so learning how to do proper research and absorbing the knowledge has
been a particularly knew skill that I tried to master. Ive also learned that its incredibly vital to
be organized and prepared when trying to write a paper, unless you want to set yourself up for
failure. Throughout high school, I was always told that I was an incredibly talented writer. I
passed English classes with flying colors and constantly received praise from my teachers and
peers when it came to the papers or speeches I would write or give. This class, which is what I
have perceived as the equivalent to those high school English classes, has shown me that I am
most certainly not the best, and that I need to realize that I will never again be Katya, the girl
who could write great papers with little effort and come out on top. It showed me that I need to
stop being the lazy, apathetic, too comfortable girl and begin getting my shit together, because if
I dont then I will definitely be a failure. I am now at this point in time, a mediocre writer. But
mark my words, I will overcome this obstacle, and I will be a great writer by the end of this
I have learned a lot not only about writing papers and doing research, but a lot about
myself from this class. Ive learned about my own strengths and weaknesses, and the effort and

dedication it takes and is going to take to want to better myself. So far, in all honesty, I have not
given my 100%, and I am incredibly sorry for that. When I apologize, I am apologizing to
myself. Isnt the point of an education to create a successful result for myself in the end? I have
given only half the effort that I should because I am still in the very poor mindset that I will do
well even if I dont try. As a result, it has been very ineffective. It has poorly effected my grade,
causing me to realize that I need to step my game up. Although, I would say that my effort when
it comes to class discussion is much greater than any other effort that I put in. I am always eager
to participate because I like to share my thoughts and opinions with others, as well as learn about
other point of views. In order to improve the effort I put into things such as assignments, I will
try and look at assignments with the same attitude that I have with class discussions.
The writing process is complicated to me. It always is. I always dedicate too much time
to reading and research, but not enough to the actual writing part. I would say that drafting has
been the least productive aspect of the writing process. This is because I despise drafting, I
always have. A majority of the time, I skip the drafting process all together, much as I did when
writing my genre analysis. I always say that drafts are beneficial to any assignment, because they
allow the writer to see what he/she needs to improve on, adjust, omit, or add. I know its terribly
ironic that as much as I support the drafting process, I hate it. But, for the sake of my grade and
wanting to improve as a writer, I suppose I will start drafting, and at least trying to enjoy it.
I could honestly say that I love this class, although sometimes my effort does not reflect
that. I enjoy walking in every morning, sitting down at my desk, and starting my daybook entry
(which never fails to interest me) at the beginning of class. I look forward to class discussions
about writing or culture or whatever the topic may be, and I dont ever have a problem with
group work. From this class, I hope I learn how to love learning and writing and reading in every

class, like I have during my time in this course. I want to learn how to respect and reflect on
everybodys opinion, no matter how ridiculous it could sometimes be. As for writing, I simply
hope that I learn how to become the best writer that I can possibly be. I hope that from this class,
I finally learn how to execute every single idea that I have and turn it into a writing masterpiece.
I want to leave this class knowing how to write a paper in a format different from the fiveparagraph essay that I have become so bonded to. I want to become my own writer and have my
own style and influence, and I want to be able to be proud of that.
As of right now, I deserve a C in this class. I dont deserve an A or a B because I havent
put in that type of effort that so many of my peers have. Sure, I participate in class every day and
do the discussion forums, but I dont try as hard as I should when it comes to assignments. Ive
underestimated the effort that I need to put forth in order to succeed and get a good grade. Ive
been nothing but mediocre. Although I say that with all of the honesty in the world, I do not want
that C. I look at the C that Ive written and I cringe. Im going to change that C into at least a
high B. I have to. In order to do that, I need to actually buckle down and give not 100%, but
200% of my effort. I need to dedicate so much more time and work and dedication into my
assignments and this class itself. By the end of this class I will be at least a B student. I am so
much more than a C.
Overall, I have really enjoyed my time in this class, whether its participating in class
discussions with my peers, whove also taught me a lot, or listening to instruction. Olivia, youve
proven to be a great teacher, and its obvious that you enjoy teaching this class, and all of your
time and dedication is really appreciated. Its great feeling so comfortable in a classroom, and the
energy within the class is nothing but positive. Im learning so much in this class, not just about

myself as a writer, but about what Im capable of and what I want to be able to push myself to

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