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Thick two personal protective equipment to protect your critical organs from
A. Glove
B. Face maker
C. Cap
D. Disposable apron
E. Disposable lead shoe
F. Lead goggle
G. Lead glove
H. Thyroid shield
2. What is ten day rule
A. Pelvic irradiation should be restricted to the first ten day of the
menstrual cycle
B. Urgent x-ray examination with ten day
C. 10days pregnant women
D. 10year child should not undergo x-ray
3. Important this you follow while handling spine injury case
A. Were lead apron
B. Patient move to table through roller
C. Positioning should be proper so ask the patient to turned if required
D. Check for cervical collar limited patient movement
E. Do ultrasound scanning of spine
F. Ask patient to move the table for good quality x-ray
4. Reason for increasing exposer technique during cervical spine lateral
A. Air water technique
B. To see lumbar sacral junction clearly
C. To compensate air gap technique
D. To reduce radiation dose
5. What is the use of grid
A. To observe secondary scattered radiation reacting the film
B. To observe third scattered radiation
C. To observe secondary scattered reacting the patient
D. To scatter the radiation
6. PNDT act your role as radiographer
A. To reduce radiation
B. From F consultant should be taken for all the antenatal cases
C. Sex determination is done here
D. Separate PNDT register to be maintained
E. All PNDT records should be destroyed after 2 months
7. Point related to AERB regulation
A. All x-ray producing unit should be impair as per AERB
B. All equipment should be AERB approval
C. Radiation worker should be take rest 2 month & inform AERB
D. X-ray department should have plastic apron
E. All wall should be painted
8. What is your radiation dose limit for one year as per recommended
A. 20-30 mill sieverts
B. 80-100 mill sieverts
C. 120-130 mill sieverts
D. 180-200 mill sieverts

9. Pnumothorax means
A. cavity Air in the pleural cavity
B. Air in the lungs
C. Air in the peritoneal
D. Air filled with pnumothorax
10.During scan appointment of ectopic pregnancy with in how many days you
give appointment
A. Next day with preparation
B. Immediately
C. After 2 days
D. During next visit with appointment
11.Write one advantage of the following manual processing
A. We can develop the imaging to the discord comfort and density
B. Compel pros sing time take art 10 to20 mints
C. One expose we can view both soft tissue and bone
D. No need of x-ray film
12.Which situation will result in the most serious contamination of prosser
A. Fixer spilled into developer
B. Developer spilled into fixer
C. Fixer spilled into water
D. Developer spilled into water
13.Which type of cell is most sensitive to x-ray reaction
A. Red blood cells
B. White blood cells
C. Epithelial cells
D. Muscles cells
E. Organs and red cells
14.What is the active expose of TLD
A. Lithium fluoride
B. Cesium iodide
C. Xenon gas
D. Sodium iodide
15.Ultra scan wave are produce by mean of -----------crystal
A. Ferromagnetic
B. Piezoelectric
C. Ferroelectric
D. Sodium iodide
16.The intravertebral foramina of lumber & cervical spine are best
demonstration by the
A. 0 or AP position
B. 90 lateral position
C. 45 oblique position
D. 70 oblique position
17.To protect us from reaction we use
A. Thermolumicent dosimeter
B. Plastic apron
C. Lead protective device
D. Thick plaster
18.Patient instruction for a KUB x-ray include the follow except

A. Move the body during the producer

B. Remove jewels in the hand
C. Hold breath for few seconds
D. Take a deep breath and hold it ,till film is processed
E. All of above
19.How does the x-ray anode works when fluoroscope is on
A. Inter mitten radiation
B. Rotates 3600 and +rpm
C. Act as stationary anode
D. None of the above
20.For contrast study in radiology what supporting blood test
A. Serum creatinine
B. blood culture
C. Urine analysis
D. Scan report of pregnancy
21.MRI study & contraindication of patient has
A. Pace maker
B. Recent appendix surgery
C. Credit card
D. Metal watch
22.Scatter ray survey is done for
A. Ultrasound room
B. Inside radiology imaging dept
C. Whole hospital
D. In and out of radiology
E. Both B & C
23.How many time we can repeat chest x-ray incase of pregnancy
A. One time
B. Three time
C. Five time
D. None of the above
24.How will you shift patient with femur fracture
A. Wheel chair
B. Stretcher
C. Walking
D. None of the above
E. MRI compatible trolley
25.Aluminum filter is used to
A. To remove soft x-ray
B. Heterogeneous beam quality
C. To avoid movement blur
D. To increase
26.NMR relaxation is character uses of tissue are
A. Basic bone relaxation time
B. Basic tissue relaxation time
C. Basic nerve relaxation time
D. Basic muscle relaxation time
27.Which view is taken to confirm fluid in frontal sinuses
A. Brow up medial
B. Brow up oblique

C. Brow up anterior
D. Brow up lateral
28.Which of following is immovable joint
A. Shoulder
B. Hip joint
C. A.C joint
D. Sutures
29.Pulmonary artery carries
A. Pure blood
B. Impure blood
C. Both pure and impure
D. None of the above

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