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Cody Loeper

UWRT 1102 006

Professor Voltz
Personal Expression from Blog 1
An argument that involves family can be one of the most traumatic arguments that a
person could have. Family tends to include the most important people that you have in your
life and when people dont get along then the family typically separates. If you say that you
have never been in an argument with someone within your family then you most likely are

Recently I was with my family as something devastating had happened. I found out
that my grandmother was diagnosed with pneumonia and when youre 87 years old the
chances of you making it through are slim to none. I was devoted to my grandmother to make
her proud and help her in any way that I could. After about six days in the hospital she
seemed to be doing better but as all things can change she took a turn for the worst. I was
informed that there was not enough time for me to say goodbye to the woman I looked up to
most. Some days had passed and the next challenge that my family had to overcome was the
will. As you can imagine a will is something that brings out the greed and envy in a family.
The night after the funeral 2 members within the family began to talk about the will and the
argument escalated fairly quickly and before I knew it the whole family was within an
argument of their own. After about five minutes everyone realized that they were being
ridiculous and compromised all the arguments. In the end everyone in the family realized that
grandmother would never want any fighting to occur. All grandmother wanted was for us to
be happy and for us to celebrate her freedom within a new world. Everyone in this family was
guilty for fighting but as a family you have to be strong and thats what this family did.

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