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Loeper 1

Cody Loeper
UWRT 1102 006
Professor Voltz
27 April 2015
ICW Reflections
Its a bit sad that I still remember this moment. My friend was a good person
and should have never been treated like that. I wanted to include this IWC because it
was important to me and it fit the criteria. I wanted to share it so that if people ever
get put in that situation they can read my response and realize that they need to stand
up for their friend.
This was instance of empathy because it really made me think about the
actions that I was making in order to stand against bullies. I know that at a young age
many kids are dealing with a problem like this and I also know that as a child you
dont know how to deal with a situation like that.

This ICW really allowed me to get out my anger. When I am able to get my
thoughts out on paper and it felt so good to do that. I mean my anger wasnt directed
at the certain subject but it allowed the anger I had for other things to come out. I
dont think the media should tell the horrific stories that they do. There is a difference
between being aware and being lied to. Media only takes the stories that will make
them more famous.

Loeper 2
As the years have gone by I have been able to see the different stories that
come over the news and they are always the ones that irritate me most. Talking about
movie stars is not the thing that needs to be on the world news.

ICW 13
This had to be my favorite ICW. I think that the idea of power and
dominance is incredible. As humans we have lived with the idea of power throughout
our entire lives. I thought that the experiment that they did was awesome. I showed
exactly how dominance works. Power is something that everyone wants and when
you have it, you have to make the choice to use it for good or for bad.
When thinking about all the things that people do with power over history you
have the good and the bad. For instance Adolf Hitler and all is SS officers would
dominate the German people in the worst way possible. On the other hand you have
President Obama who is trying to do the best that he can for our nation.
This was one of the most interesting writings that I had through out the
semester because power is an intriguing topic to me.

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