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Classroom: __Head Start, Preschool________________________

Date of Development: _February 23, 2015___________________________

Experience: Children will be given different objects and will be

able to experiments which objects will be able to float and
which do not float.
OELDS: Record observations using words, pictures, charts,
graphs, etc.

Experience: Have children create water

journals to log where they see water and what
they notice about it.

Experience: Children will participate in a large water investigation.

Water in different containers with different tools will be laid out for
the students. They will be able to explore the objects and the water
and make observations.

OELDS: Record observations using words,

pictures, charts, graphs, etc.

OELDS: Use simple tools to extend investigation.

Experience: Ice Painting

Experience: Create your own boat that will float.

Why does it float?
OELDS: Use creative and flexible thinking
to solve problems.



Experience: Balloon experiment- fill balloons

with solids, liquids, and gas. Then, see how the
balloons react to gravity. Pose questions about
the physical and natural environment.


Solid, Liquid, Gas

Experience: Children will put water on different

materials to see how it reacts on those materials.

Experience: Use fruits, plants, and vegetables to show

how they absorb water.

Experience: Ice Painting

OELDS: Use imagination and creativity to
interact with objects and materials.



OELDS: Explore objects, materials and

events in the environment.


OELDS: Engage in simple investigations.

OELDS: Collect data by categories to answer

simple questions.

OELDS: Use imagination and creativity to

interact with objects and materials.

Characteristics of Water


Experience: Add different materials onto

floating objects (ie: boats) to see how much
makes it sink


Experience: Use the ice paint on different materialswhy does it work on some and not others? Record
which does/doesnt.
OELDS: Record observations using words,
pictures, charts, graphs, etc.

Experience: Creating Solid, Liquid, Gas through different steps on different

days. Solid- ice, liquid-water, gas-evaporation/blowing balloons or bubbles
OELDS: With modeling and support, explore the properties of objects and
materials (e.g., solids and liquids).

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