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Christopher Luna

AP English Literature
Ms. White

Thunder Battle, a tired story

Plumes of Smoke and Fire raged

Explosions and rifles fired in line
Waves of steel made conflict and rampaged
Tis reminded of the sweet memories align
Memory of your beauty and grace remain caged
A coming storm approaches, the fear is the state of mind
The walls of mankind swiftly engaged
Im alone in the field but I carry you unconfined
Tis a broken heart not being able to see my love once more
But my affection keeps me fighting
A few more years and I will finish this lifestyle
Done with the stress, ruin and death igniting
IM AM TIRED AND WEARY of the past trial
Ready to move on to the sweetness and light

I go back to the old lifestyle

Till I am of old age, till you meet me at the burial site

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