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Igor Bublik
Professor Dagher
UWRT 1102-092
5 April 2015
Extended Inquiry Project
What are the Illuminati and how is it involved in the music industry? The
Illuminati is known to be a conspiracy, although there is no doubt that this organization is
real or once was. The Illuminati is said to be a secret organization in todays society filled
with many high-ranking citizens. They are said to have interests in a new world order and
are involved in religious acts. The Illuminati is an organization that is centered in
Satanism. According Tom Baker, a researcher, The idea of a group bringing forth the
New World Order in secret isnt totally the invention of the tin foil hat, Coast To Coast
AM brigade. May 1, 1776 saw the first meeting of the for real Order Of The Illuminati.
The Illuminati is proven to be real in past history and began in Europe. There are
documentations of the group existing. In the late 1700s a new king was elected in
Germany and he outlawed all secret societies and supposedly the Illuminati ended.
Although throughout history there have been many events and signs that say the
Illuminati is still in existence (Oliver, 2014).

After researching the Illuminati and the evidence of their existence, I believe that
this organization is in fact real. Many people choose not to believe in this conspiracy
because they arent given the facts or the evidence needed to convince them. When I first
heard about this conspiracy I thought that it was irrational and there was no evidence to


support it. Although the evidence is all around us and we dont even realize it. Society
needs to open their eyes and see the evidence of this organization that only wants more
power and money.

There has been a study made by two researchers, Carol Pardun and Kathy McKee,
which discuss the amount of symbolism in music videos. According to the research, out
of 160 randomly chosen music videos, 62.5% had religious and sexual imagery. The data
collected by the two researchers has been outdated by roughly 20 years. The data now
should show much higher percentages of such imagery being used since society has
become immune to it. Jerry Barrow, a journalist, writes in his journal, There are
countless songs referencing the NWO, selling ones soul and Free Masonry. There are
plenty of other researchers like Jerry Barrow that find the music industry filled with
Illuminati symbolism. Most people who are uninformed about the Illuminati believe that
the Illuminati are a made up story and that there is nothing to support it. From my
personal experiences, people begin to dig deeper into this topic after being presented the
correct information about the Illuminati, which often leads to them believing the
existence of this organization. From a study made by me back in high school I collected
enough data to conclude that a large portion of students are not informed or even know
about the Illuminati.

Most of the evidence of the Illuminati is seen through the music industry and even
through the government in some cases. One piece of evidence or symbol that I found was
something that most people use every day and isnt thought twice about, the dollar bill.


Large amounts of research show that there are many symbolic meaning to the design of
the dollar bill. On the back of the bill there is a pyramid with an eye on it, which is one of
the most used symbol of the Illuminati meaning the all seeing eye. On the front of the
dollar bill is a miniscule image of an owl beside the one on the top right corner. Then
from further research I found out that pagans and occultists used an owl as a symbol
(baker 2014). With deeper information of an owl being used as a symbol, research
showed that high ranked people including retired presidents attend the bohemian grove.
The bohemian grove is a private club founded in 1872 and is invite only. The bohemian
grove is located in San Francisco on private property and the center of the grove is a large
stone shaped owl, which is to be used as an idol (Liberty for Life, n.d). Another
interesting fact is that there are many celebrities use owls as symbols. Justin Bieber, a
famous singer, has an owl tattoo and when asked about it he wouldnt reveal the meaning
of it. Drake, a music artist, uses an owl as his clothing line mascot (Baker 2014).

There are also many symbolic meaning in modern day music lyrics. One example
is a song by Meek Mill called Fender up, in the songs he says, Illuminati wanted my
mind, soul, and body. The asked me would I trade it all for a Maseretti. When people
listen to these songs they dont listen to the lyrics, they listen to the beat and in result
miss the meanings of the lyrics. Meek Mill clearly talks about the Illuminati trying to
give him money for his soul. Another piece of evidence is by Dr. Dre, in his song Been
There, Done That he says, Money is the root I want the whole damn tree aint tryna
stick around for Illuminati. This is just a sample of lyrics with Illuminati being
mentioned. In Jerry Barrows research on lyrics with Illuminati symbolism he found 33


songs in the past year that clearly mention this secret organization (Barrow, 2013). There
is a clear connection with singers famous singers and the Illuminati. The evidence
doesnt just stop at music lyrics but also is seen in music videos and photography. In Jeff
Roberts research he reveals countless photographs of famous celebrities posing with the
triangle hand symbol and the 666 symbol over the eye. The triangle hand symbol over
the eye represents the all seeing eye, just like the symbol on the back of the dollar bill.
The 666 symbol is often seen as the ok sign but there is no reason for someone to make
an ok sign over their eye. The Illuminati is known to be a satanic organization and thats
the reasoning for the 666 sign. The eye is an important sign as it symbolizes the
Illuminati all-seeing eye (Roberts 2014).

Currently Music videos performances have been becoming extremely peculiar

and many of the viewers dont understand the meaning of the performances. In the 2012
Grammy Awards, Nicki Minaj had a performance that many people would call satanic
and filled with Illuminati symbolism. Jeff Roberts described the performance as, an
elaborate over-the-top stage performance, Minaj is exorcized by a Catholic priest. The
entire performance is plagued with blatant esoteric rituals, masonic robed dancers, and a
frantic Minaj who is trying to stop her demonic alter ego from taking over (Roberts,
2014). Nicki Minaj is clearly revealing satanic symbolism in this performance and there
is absolutely no evidence that says otherwise. In Jeff Roberts research there is a constant
pattern of symbolism being shown in music videos. Many of the videos include the
following music artists: Nicki Minaj, Eminem, Jay Z, Rihanna, Kanye West, and Lil
Wayne (Roberts, 2014).


With the proper research people need to use it to reveal the truth of the Illuminati.
It may seem pointless to some people but the truth is that if this organization is indeed as
real as the research proves it to be then stopping this organization should be a top priority.
No matter how crazy it may sound we need to act before this organization grows to an
even larger scale. The sound of a secret organization may sound senseless but with this
convincing evidence its hard to ignore it. Even with all of the research found there are
still questions that are left unanswered. Why would the Illuminati allow the public to see
all the symbolism? Maybe they are trying to incorporate these symbols into everyone
daily lives to the point that it seems normal. With more research more will be answered
about the Illuminati conspiracy.

Baker, Tom. "10 Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove The Illuminati Are Real." 22 Sept. 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.
Barrow, Jerry. "Illuminati Songs: 33 Lyrics About The Secret Society." The Urban Daily
RSS. 20 Feb. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2015.
"Bohemian Club and Bohemian Grove." Liberty For Life. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.
Franklin-Wallis, Oliver. "A Brief Timeline of Musics Illuminati Obsession." GQ. 21
Feb. 2014. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.
Roberts, Jeff. "Top 11 Most Blatant Illuminati Music Videos & Performances."
CollectiveEvolution RSS. 25 Jan. 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2015.


Post Peer Review:

After the peer review I received plenty of feedback from my peers. A suggestion
that was given to me was to add more detail into my information. I decided to defiantly
incorporate this into my paper since I totally agreed to the comment. I added detail into
my background information and into the evidence that I gave. Mot of the feedback I
received I found helpful except one. I was suggested to add more evidence and I decided
not incorporate this feedback since my paper was already filled evidence.

During my time reading my peers papers I left feedback and suggested things to
add. One suggestion that I had was to add detail to the background information. I
suggested this because the first paragraph didnt provide me enough information on what
the rest of the paper was about. Another suggestion that I made was fixing spelling errors.
The last suggestion that I made was to eliminate repetition of certain words. Removing
repetition would improve my peers sentence flow.

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