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Briana Pierre

Prof. Leslie Wolcott

ENC 1102
26 March 2015
When deciding to possibility implement a Doctors in Nurse Practice degree credential
requirement, what would be the educational preparation/curriculum behind it must be taken into
careful consideration (Fain, J., Asselin, M., & McCurry, M. (2008); Draye, M., Acker, M., &
Zimmer, P. (2006); Lenz, E. (2005); Wall, B., Novak, J., & Wilkerson, S. (2005); O'Sullivan et
al. (2005).

With regard to the impact this can have on the nursing community, some researchers believe that
this potential implementation of the DNP degree requirement may be a step in a positive
direction (Draye, M., Acker, M., & Zimmer, P. (2006); Mundinger, M. (2005); Fain, J., Asselin,
M., & McCurry, M. (2008); Apold, S. (2008).

Although some researchers express positive viewpoints on the possible DNP required credential,
other researchers believe that this innovation could greatly have a negative effect on the nursing
profession (Apold, S. (2008); Chase, S., & Pruitt, R. (2006); Dracup et al. (2005); Fulton, J., &
Lyon, B. (2005); Hathaway et al (2009); Webber, P. (2008).

In this debate, researchers attempt to sum up the confusion and distinguish between the DNP
degree and the PhD and also the effects they pose on each other in relation to the nursing field
(Brar, K., Boschma, G., & McCuaig, F. (2010); Chism, L. (2009); Webber, P. (2008); Dracup et
al. (2005).

In this conversation, the scope of practice of doctoral prepared nurses is discussed in order to
obtain a better understanding of the essentials to DNP programs (Chism, L. (2009); Lenz, E.
(2005); Mundinger, M. (2005); Mundinger et al. (2000); O'Sullivan et al. (2005); Webber, P.

While the researchers listed above have expressed the possible positive and negative effects of
the potential innovation to make the DNP a required credential to practice advanced nursing or
how it MAY affect the nursing profession as whole, no one has really taken the time to study/talk
about what nurses who are involved in this profession ACTUALLY think about this innovation
and the ways it may affect them personally if it is implemented.

Since the current educational background to practice advanced nursing is a masters degree, if
the DNP program is in-fact made a requirement, scarce research have been studied to decide
whether nurses currently practicing under a masters degree would have to go back to school to
obtain the DNP degree or on where they stand under this controversial debate. This should be
discussed more.

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