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Spencer Blackwell

Literacy Narrative
Senior Graduation Speech
You will be giving the Senior Speech on Graduation Day, said Mr. Gause my high
school principal. I had just walked into his office to get on his nerves and joke around like I
always did. Okay!, I said. I already knew I would be giving the speech, or I wouldve raised
hell. Start thinking about what you want to say and have a draft to me at least a week before
Graduation., Mr. Gause said. Yea yea, I responded back sarcastically. It had always been my
dream to speak during graduation. Ever since I entered high school as a ninth grader, I knew that
I would graduate at the top of my class and give my senior speech. I had been to a few
graduations before and seen other graduating students do it. I was happy, but then it hit me, I
have to stand in front of hundreds of people and give a good speech. Uh-oh. I started feeling
nervous already. Graduation was on May 23rd and it was about the last week in April.
I headed towards the second floor of our school building. My school was the Early
Middle College at North Carolina Agricultural & Technological State University. This is the
only all male school in the state of North Carolina. I quickly hopped up the ten steps, turned the
corner and hopped up the other ten steps. I opened the dingy-tan colored door that squeaked loud
when it opened and closed. I saw the door of room #213 open. This was the classroom of my
favorite teacher, Ms. Chavis. She was about 54, light skin with good hair, in her late 20s, and
had a small-figure to her. I would consider her BAE Material. Ms. Chavis was one of the
coolest and realest teachers in the school. I could go to her and talk to her about anything. She
was the type to buy lunch for her best students, take us on trips (in and outside of school), and
invite us to personal events that she had going on. She was one of two English teachers that the
school had on staff. I knew that she would be overjoyed to help me write my Graduation Speech.
I walked in and told her the good news about me speaking at graduation. As I imagined she was

Spencer Blackwell
Literacy Narrative
happy. That is wonderful Spencer! This has to be a bomb speech! You gotta go out with a
BANG! We have to start working on it soon! These are some of the remarks she gave of the
During the days that followed I began to reflect on the many memories that came from
being at the Middle College. There were so many funny times, sad times, dangerous times, and
the list goes on. I thought back on our freshman trip. We went to Camp Carawway in Asheboro,
NC to begin a bond between those in our freshman class. We did many ice breakers and the
biggest part of the day was completing a high ropes course, which took teamwork to accomplish.
I could still feel all of those heavy safety straps we had to put on that had the metal claws at the
end of them to hook onto the ropes. Before we could remove the claw from one part of the
course to another we had to ask our partner who was down on the ground carefully watching for
us. If I remember correctly my partner was Micheal Drummer. Everyone, who wasnt a big
chicken, successfully made it down through the scary course of shaky ropes with jiggling legs
and hearts beating 10 times faster than normal. However, the end of the course was relaxing; you
hooked yourself to the last rope and glided about 30 yards or so in the air until you came back to
leveled ground. Even during this trip, two of the boys, Rashaad and Korie were cursing and
arguing over a seat. This was just one of the many memories I had. Teachers, staff, and other
students began asking me things along the lines of, Hows the speech coming along?.
On a particular evening, I came home from school and begin to transfer my thoughts
concerning the speech to the computer via Microsoft Word. Good evening. I would first like to
give honor where it is due. We honor Chancellor Martin, Superintendent Green, all of these other
officials who have graced the stage this evening. This isnt that bad, I thought. Within an 30
minutes, I had a page and a half full of thoughts and ideas. I logged on to my Yahoo Mail

Spencer Blackwell
Literacy Narrative
account. (Send to-, Attach- Graduation speech draft, Subject- Graduation
Speech Draft, Text- Hey Ms. Chavis, Can you look over this and we can go over it and revise it
tomorrow during lunch?, Send). I had gotten that out of the way. I went on to do a few household
chores, took a shower, and put my night clothes on to prepare for bed. I felt my phone vibrate.
That was the short 2 time vibrate which meant I received a text message. I unlocked my phone
and saw it was from Ms. Chavis. Good speech. Yea come tmrrw so we can work on it more and
spice it up a bit.
The next morning, I could not wait for lunch time to come. I hurried along to Ms. Chavis
room after being released from Earth & Environmental Science class to lunch. We added some
things, took some things out, and added some big words. After we edited and revised the
speech we sent via email to Mr. Gause.
The next few weeks of my high school career began to pass by fast. We had our end of
the year senior events. Our new chapter of life as college students would began in just a few
months. We had many meetings and discussions about college, what we needed to do before we
graduated, and other things. The day before graduation came and the seniors didnt have to go to
school. Mr. Gause called me on my cell phone and told me to come in because there was a lady
there from the central office, who gave big speeches and was a former English teacher. They
wanted to go over my speech with me.
I drove to campus and went in. I met them in the office. Her name was Ms. Caplins. She
was an African American lady, probably in her late 30s or early forties. She had long brown hair,
which I could tell was a weave. She was very proper and professional. We walked into the
auditorium and there were two underclassmen in there. Mr. Gause joked with them and we

Spencer Blackwell
Literacy Narrative
started going over the speech. Mr. Gause informed me that he had forwarded the speech to some
school officials he knew, including Ms. Caplins. I became even more nervous. Now all of these
big time people have seen my little speech. She pulled out a few papers out of her bag. I made
some changes to your speech and printed it out. When you stand before the people, you want to
blow them away.
I looked at the speech that she gave me. What the hell! This looks completely different
from my original masterpiece. There were all these proper phrases and words I knew I knew I
would stumble over. I had been going over my speech for these few weeks, so this threw me
completely off. It was a good speech, but I was just use to the one that I wrote. As I began to
look over it in depth, I could still see my originality in it. I begin to read it aloud. She would stop
me and tell me to add boldness and excitement, slow down right there, emphasize that point. I
was thinking to myself ,look here heffa I know how to read a speech. You done wrote my
speech all over now I have to familiarize myself with this one before tomorrow. After I went
over it a few times and took her criticism and advice, we were done. She informed me that she
was going out of state later that day and wouldnt be able to be there to hear my speech, but she
knew I would do good.
May 23rd was finally here. This was the big day; oh boy was I nervous but yet excited. I
couldnt wait to put on that blue robe, the blue and gold overlay thing that had A&T on it, and
that blue cap with my 3 tassels, one blue, one gold, and the other one white. The commencement
started at 7pm and we had to be there at 6pm. We all started arriving to Harrison Auditorium on
A&Ts campus and vested up in our graduation garments. Now we had to wait for the time to
come and for everyone to be seated. We went outside and took group and individual pictures and
lined up for the processional. It was time for the processional to start. All of the Guilford County

Spencer Blackwell
Literacy Narrative
school officials walked in first, then the faculty and staff of our school, and then us. As I walked
down the aisle, I could hear everyones voices piling on top of each other creating a big chaotic
sound of cheer and happiness. I walked up to the stairs to the stage and took my place. Musical
section Greetings Recognition of Special Guests Inspiration Message and then
Reflections- Mr. Spencer Blackwell. It was my time. I approached the podium slightly shaking, I
pulled my folder from under the podium, took out my speech and Good evening! I was off.
The speech was going pretty good. I got a few laughs, some amens, and some thunderous
applauses as I delivered the speech which made me more confident. As I closed I told everyone
to jump up and shout HALLELUJAH on the count of three and sit back down. Now why did
I have you all to do that you may ask. You may never remember my name, might not remember
a single thing I said in this, but what you will remember is I had you jumping in the air shouting
HALLELUJAH. Congratulations Seniors, WE MADE IT!. I turned around and walked off like
I knew I just killed it. I received a standing ovation. Those officials who were on stage sitting
near me were thoroughly impressed. I did that!

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