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April 28, 2015

9201 University City Blvd.

Charlotte, NC 28223

Dear Ms. Douglas,

I would first express that I have enjoyed your writing class more
than I believe the first one. This year was a bit more challenging but
that was good, as I had to apply the lessons from the first semester
class. Making sure to meet your expectations and present better
content then my previous submissions from last year. This gave me a
great chance to use my new skills that I obtain in the first semester,
applying them too this semesters assignments in order to top my
previous work.
The ability to choose a line of inquiry gave me a unique and rare
opportunity; one that would let me practice my advocation skills for
this summer. I will have to speak at the nation convention in Dallas,
Texas that I mentioned in my blogs as a speaker on panels and
boards, voicing for the millions of other VWD patients wanting
recognition. This semester long project gave me a great opportunity to
practice and demonstrate my abilities without worry of mistakes or
major misinterpretations.

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The daybook entries I choose help me understand different forms
of independent thinking and looking for other ways to solve, answer,
and explain my logic behind answers and voice my opinion without
making an argument out of it. Providing valuable insight after taking
the personal style test, which I had the opportunity of taking twice,
giving me two different sources to work from and analysis. This is
crucial in my area of interest and line of inquire since I have to
constantly socialize, describe, and work with other people right after
being acquainted.
The multi-genre helped me find new ways to advocate then just
the regular conversations and board meetings. It gave me a chance to
experiment with ways of advocation that I didnt think was even
possible. I now have a better understanding and working drive to
create new ways of advocation. The multi-genres I selected to do are a
great start in a longer linage of projects to come.
Looking at my work overall back to even the previous semester
I believe a have a solid A- or A. I have improved substantially over this
semester and over the course of a year. I see my ability to use my
desired career goal as a line of inquiry as a great application. Since
VWD is so new to the public media scene, I really had to focus on
increasing the quality and content of my work through multiple
revisions. I learned that with great writing comes great commitment
and through commitment comes success.

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Kai Stinson

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