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CEE 571 Physical Education and Sports Coaching Methodology


1. Your success as a PE teacher will depend upon your ____________ .
a. knowledge of the sport
b. teaching philosophy
c. coaching ability
d. goals and ambition
2. Steps for developing a teaching philosophy include ____________ .
a. values, principles, and actions
b. regulations, policies, and discipline
c. technique, tactics, and statistics
d. fitness, nutrition, and finance
3. The cooperative style teacher is also referred to as ____________ .
a. the Teacher
b. the Dictator
c. the Babysitter
d. the College Graduate
4. The command style teacher is also referred to as ____________ .
a. the Teacher
b. the Dictator
c. the Babysitter
d. the College Graduate
5. Many new teachers adopt which of the following coaching styles?
a. Cooperative
b. Submissive
c. Regression
d. Command

6. Providing little instruction, minimal guidance, and resolving discipline problems only
when absolutely necessary is an example of the ____________ style.
a. Cooperative
b. Command
c. Empathy
d. Submissive
7. In the command style, the ____________ makes all the decisions.
a. team
b. player
c. teacher
d. administrator
8. Cooperative style teachers provide the ____________ that allow students to set their own
goals and to strive for them.
a. attitude and desire
b. strategy and motivation
c. structure and rules
d. technique and tactics
9. Ineffective communication is usually the fault of the ____________ .
a. teacher
b. players
c. teacher and students
d. teacher and the administrators
10. A physical education teacher should emphasize ____________ in order to promote the
physical and mental wellbeing of participants.
a. an athletes failures
b. winning at all costs
c. athlete first, winning second
d. coaches first, athlete second
11. ____________ is the ability to understand the thought and emotions of your studens and
to be sensitive to them.
a. cohesion
b. sympathy
c. motivation
d. empathy

12. ____________ is about who we are and what we stand for.

a. character
b. motivation
c. aggression
d. depression
13. Responsibility, fairness, caring, respect, trustworthiness, and good citizenship are known
as the ____________.
a. Six Pillars of Character
b. Six Concepts of Coaching
c. Six Methods of Performance Enhancement
d. Six Guidelines of Mental Training
14. ____________ is simply good character when participating in sports.
a. fairness
b. cohesion
c. sportsmanship
d. code of ethics
15. Sports psychologists indicate that the two primary reasons for young athletes to
participate in sports are to ____________.
a. lose and perform poorly
b. gain the trust of teammates and coaches
c. have fun and feel worthy
d. gain the respect of the coach and to win
16. A teacher who understands rewards will usually reward ____________ first.
a. winning
b. outcomes
c. performance
d. achievement of large goals
17. Give rewards ____________ .
a. often
b. only when they are earned
c. never
d. whenever the teacher needs to feel better

18. Self-efficacy, defined as a persons belief in his or her own ability to accomplish the
assigned task, is ____________ correlated with athletic performance.
a. inversely
b. negatively
c. not
d. positively

19. What are the two goal orientations within the Achievement Goal Theory?
a. ego and task
b. win and lose
c. athlete first, winning second
d. motivation and arousal
20. The last stage of development according to Achievement Goal Theory is the
____________ stage.
a. self- efficacy
b. integrated
c. autonomous competence
d. social comparison
21. In the SMART principle of goal setting, S stands for ____________ .
a. simple
b. sports
c. specific
d. self- efficacy
22. In the SMART principle of goal setting, R stands for ____________ .
a. regulate
b. receiver
c. report
d. realistic
23. Social structure, mutual benefit, and self-categorization are all elements that
characterize ____________.
a. sportsmanship
b. individuals
c. groups
d. athletic ability

24. Carron, Brawley, and Widmeyer defined ____________ as a dynamic process which is
reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of
its instrumental objectives and/or satisfaction of member affective needs.
a. cohesion
b. group norms
c. group roles
d. motivation
25. Regarding factors that influence cohesion, ____________ are a set of behaviors that are
expected from occupants of certain positions.
a. achievements
b. norms
c. roles
d. satisfactions
26. Regarding factors that influence cohesion, ____________ are a standard for behavior
that are considered acceptable.
a. roles
b. norms
c. achievements
d. motives
27. Sport ____________ refers to the process that coaches use to teach all types of sport
a. psychology
b. physiology
c. medicine
d. pedagogy
28. ____________ goals focus on learning and performing motor skills.
a. technical
b. tactical
c. physical
d. moral
29. ____________ goals focus on knowing when and how to use various techniques.
a. technical
b. tactical
c. physical
d. moral
30. The three stages of learning are ____________.
a. mental, practice, and automatic
b. physical, practice, and automatic
c. mental, physical, and automatic
d. practice, practice, and practice

31. Students should begin practicing a new skill ____________.

a. after they have had time to think about it
b. near the end of the lesson
c. a week after it is demonstrated
d. as soon as possible after it is demonstrated
32. According to the tactical triangle, a coach must implement ____________ in order to
develop game sense in sport participants.
a. tactical knowledge, decision-making skills, and reading the situation
b. fitness, nutrition, and equipment
c. financial compensation, relaxation, and performance-enhancing supplements
d. cohesion, physical strength, and deviant behavior
33. A method of improving a students level of attention and concentration is ___________.
a. demanding students perform multiple tasks simultaneously
b. maximizing distraction from the very beginning of the teaching process.
c. increasing an individuals stress level
d. identifying what to attend to and what to filter out
34. Unclear goals, procrastination, and poor planning are all examples of ____________.
a. imagery
b. efficiency
c. time wasters
d. performance enhancers
35. ____________ is teaching and practicing the skills which athletes need to be successful.
a. planning
b. managing
c. organizing
d. punishing

36. Energy comes from food that is converted into ____________ energy by the digestive
a. spiritual
b. physical
c. mental
d. chemical
37. Emotional instability, loss of coordination, insomnia, and sudden or gradual decline in
performance are all indications of ____________.
a. a poor practice schedule
b. overtraining
c. energy systems
d. poor warm-up techniques
38. Two energy systems within the athletes body are ____________.
a. aerobic and anaerobic
b. overtraining and aerobic
c. anaerobic and cool-down
d. speed and aerobic
39. Anaerobic training incorporates ____________.
a. distance and endurance
b. speed and power
c. endurance and flexibility
d. interval and Fartlek training
40. ____________ is the ability of a muscle to repeatedly contract or sustain a continuous
contraction involving less than maximum force.
a. endurance
b. strength
c. hypertrophy
d. power
41. ____________ is placing the structure and content of training into phases.
a. periodization
b. plyometrics
c. endurance
d. collegiality

42. A ____________ consists of a 16-week training program.

a. microcycle
b. mesocycle
c. macrocycle
d. nanocycle
43. A ____________ consists of a year-long (52-week) training program.
a. microcycle
b. mesocycle
c. macrocycle
d. nanocycle
44. Regarding the athletes physiology, a coach should ____________.
a. know how to optimize the physical training programs of athletes
b. become a sport physiologist
c. advise athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs
d. allow athletes to determine their own training programs
45. The following items are typical benefits of physical training ____________.
a. decreased performance
b. increased muscular soreness
c. improved motivation and work ethic
d. less susceptibility to injury
46. Daily consumption of ____________ is essential for the development and maintenance of
body tissue.
a. protein
b. water
c. carbohydrates
d. glycogen
47. Which nutrient type has the most calories per gram?
a. protein
b. fat
c. carbohydrates
d. sugar

48. ____________ is/are essential for temperature control through sweating, and for
carrying nutrients to cells and removing waste for the cells.
a. minerals
b. vitamins
c. water
d. proteins

49. ____________ results from insufficient fluid intake before, during, and after exercise.
a. periodization
b. dehydration
c. overtraining
d. adaptation
50. A high performance diet includes ____________.
a. fewer carbohydrates and less fat
b. more carbohydrate and less fat
c. fewer carbohydrates and more fat
d. less sugar and more protein

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