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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate:

Libby Story

Grade and Topic:

1st Grade

Mentor Teacher:


The Americas

Date: 4/23/15
Length of Lesson: 1.5 hours

U of M


To teach the students the importance of our National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, the flag and the appropriate
behavior that goes along with each of them.

The student will be able to preform appropriate behavior during the playing of our National Anthem, Pledge of
Allegiance and other patriotic traditions with 100% accuracy. The student will be able to fill out a work sheet
corresponding with the video he/she watches with 100% accuracy. The student will lastly be able to create a
toondo having to do with an patriotic tradition/holiday here in America.
The student will be expected to participate in a classroom discussion following the activity. The student will
also be expected to preform the correct behavior while quizzed on the etiquette.

1.26 Explain the importance of patriotic traditions, including the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance,
appropriate behavior during the playing of our National Anthem, and demonstrate appropriate flag etiquette.

ISTE 3 Research and Information fluency: students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

ISTE 5 Digital Citizenship: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and
practice legal and ethical behavior.

Worksheet provided by the teacher, Computer Access, YouTube, Toondoo Website.
Technology will first be used to watch a video about flag etiquette. The link for this video is

Students will also use Toondoo to create a toon that has something to do with an American Holiday- or Patriotic
tradition. An example of their work is provided here:


Importance and History behind: National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance, and The American Flag. Also, the way
in which one is expected to act during this time.
The critical academic language that must be addressed in this lesson is when the students have to read the
worksheet and identify the key terms in order to answer the questions.
Anything that the students learn from this point on about America will feed off of this lesson. Understanding the
importance of our Pledge of Allegiance, and National Anthem is the beginning of understanding America.

This is the opening of American History, anything that the students learn about dealing with America from this
point on will be a learning block based off of what they learned during this lesson.
I will continue to teach about America, and plan to teach more about American History and where some of the
important states (such as Tennessee) are located on a map.


Introduction: Before we begin our lesson I will ask the students to raise their hands and tell me what their prior
knowledge is to the following questions:
1. Someone raise your hand and tell me something that you know about The United States of America.
2. Who has heard of the National Anthem before? What is it?
3. Who knows what the Pledge of Allegiance is? What is it?
4. What are the colors of our flag?
5. Does anyone know what it means when you see someone with their hand over their heart?

Then teacher will proceed to tell the students that today we will be learning about The National Anthem,
Pledge of Allegiance, and the flag. Teacher will also explain to them that we will be learning the
appropriate behaviors to display when you encounter each one and why.

Procedures: First Teacher will lead the students to their assigned computers. The websites will already be
pulled up on their computers for easy access. (5 Minutes)
Second- Teacher will tell the students to watch the video about Flag Etiquette. Teacher will explain to
them to clock the play button and plug in their headsets. After the video is over teacher will make time
for any questions that the students might have and a quick discussion about what they learned. (15
Third, I will have a short lecture about what the Pledge of Allegiance is and what the
national Anthem is. I will explain to the students that the Pledge of Allegiance
something that Americans says in order to give thanks and respect and we do so by
looking toward the flag. It goes: "I pledge
Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it
stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." I will require
students to learn it and we will rehearse it. Teacher will explain when you might hear
this: school, baseball games, big events ect. And that the appropriate thing to do is
put your hand over your heart and say the words along. I will then go into teaching
the students that not everyone you see will do this AND THAT IS OKAY! It is not
something that is forced and if you dont feel comfortable doing it then dont. I lecture
about not judging others because of their different backgrounds or beliefs. Teacher
will then teach the students about the National Anthem. Teacher will explain it is the
Star Spangled Banner. Teacher will then go into talking about how Sept. 13, 1814,
Francis Scott Key visited the British fleet in Chesapeake Bay. After much fighting
occurred he woke up the next morning to see the American Flag still flying. He wrote
this song out of respect, and excitement. The Star- Spangled Banner was officially
made the national anthem by congree in 1931, although army and navy had already
adopted it. (25 Minutes)
4th- Teacher will assign students with the worksheet. Upon completing, teacher will
allow students to get into pairs and compare answers. Students will turn in
worksheets in the bin. (15 Minutes)
5th- Teacher will ask students to pay attention to the big screen. Teacher will have

ToonDoo Website pulled up and explain to the students the instructions. Teacher will
show how to create a ToonDoo by doing a sample on quickly. She will explain to
students that they must create a ToonDoo that has something to do with an American
Holiday, or Patriotic Traditions. When complete, the students must print out their work
in order to turn in for a grade. Teacher will assist students on printing by asking the
students to raise their hand upon completion. (30 minutes)
6th- Teacher will show students how to exist out of their computers. Teacher will ask
the students to tell her something that they learned that day they feel is important.
Teacher will tell all of the students to stand up. Teacher will say, Show me what to do
when you hear the Pledge of Allegiance Students should put their hand over their
heart. Teacher will ask students to show her what to do when they hear the National
Anthem. Students should face the flag. (For any student who is from a different
background, country, or religious background Teacher will explain to the class that is
fine! Student will not be punished for not doing this- however student is required to
learn about the American History behind this lesson.)
7th- Teacher will lead students out of the computer lab in an organized way.

Closure: To close the lesson the teacher will simply ask the students to talk about the lesson. What did they
learn? What did they like? What did they not like? What is something interesting they learned that they could
tell parent or guardian at the dinner table tonight? Do you think that this lesson was helpful to you?

Students how had a difficult time learning this, or didnt fully understand will have the opportunity to ask the
teacher questions after the class. The teacher should be monitoring students to make sure everyone is on task,
but if for some reason there is a student who is lost, teacher can meet with him/her later to go over the material a
second time.
For students who were already aware of this material, they can be asked to assist students who are having a
harder time with the material. These students can also be asked a little bit more difficult questions by the teacher
to challenge them and teach them as well as others new information about the lesson that they do not already
have prior knowledge of.

American Flag Etiquette Worksheet



1. Which of the following is considered appropriate when around a flag?

A. Wearing it as clothing
B. Taking off your hat
C. Stepping on it

2. Which of the following is the correct way to get rid of a flag when it is no longer
acceptable for display?
A. Burning it so it turns to ashes
B. Nothing
C. Throw it away

3. A flag should only be used as display? True of False

4. When are Flags flown at half mask? ______________________________
5. When saying the Pledge of Allegiance you should:
A. Face the Flag
B. Put your hand on your heart
C. Stay Seated
D. Both A and B

6. Flag etiquette is important because it shows: ________________________

American Flag Etiquette Worksheet



1. Which of the following is considered appropriate when around a flag?

A. Wearing it as clothing
B. Taking off your hat
C. Stepping on it

2. Which of the following is the correct way to get rid of a flag when it is no longer
acceptable for display?
A. Burning it so it turns to ashes
B. Nothing
C. Throw it away

3. A flag should only be used as display? True of False

4. When are Flags flown at half mask? _____When the president says __________
5. When saying the Pledge of Allegiance you should:
A. Face the Flag
B. Put your hand on your heart
C. Stay Seated
D. Both A and B

6. Flag etiquette is important because it shows: ____Respect to the flag__________

Students were able to

complete worksheet
with 100% accuracy.

Students were able to

complete worksheet
with 80-90%

Students were able to

complete worksheet
with 70% accuracy.

Students were able to

complete worksheet
with 50% accuracy.

Students were able to

complete worksheet
with 50 or less %

Students participated
in the classroom
discussions/and or
asked questions.

Students somewhat
participated in the
discussions/and or
asked questions.

Students participated
50% in the classroom
discussions/and or
asked questions.

Students rarely in the

discussions/and or
asked questions.

Students did not

participate in the
discussions/and or
asked questions.

Students went above

and beyond in created
a ToonDoo that shows
American Patriotism.

Students created very

good ToonDoo that
shows American

Students created a
ToonDoo that shows
American Patriotism.

Students created a
ToonDoo but it did
not show American

Students did not

created a ToonDoo.

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