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Kaleab Worku

April 17, 2015

Discussion 3
We have finished the book and movie Into the Wild. The book and movie revolves around
Chris McCandless and the choices he made that eventually led to his death in the Alaskan
wilderness. Chris was an adventurer in the broadest sense of the word and though he may
not have had a "bucket list" many people have some type of "adventure" on their bucket
list. You have also begun to work on your "EXTENDED INQUIRY PROJECT" that is
loosely based on Chris (or even more so).
Answer at least 3 of the following questions and reply to at least 2 others. There is one
more question to answer at the bottom. Copy/paste the question along with your answer.

What is so appealing to some young people about risky behavior? Do you have any
"risky behavior" on your bucket list? If yes, what?


Christopher McCandless wanted to live "an authentic life." What do you think this


Give at least three examples from the story, which demonstrate Chris McCandless's
wilderness knowledge and preparation OR lack thereof and naivety.


Do you believe McCandless's decision to leave his family without a word was
justified? Why or why not?


McCandless followed an intentionally celibate and solitary lifestyle, yet found

passionate enjoyment in risking his life in the wilderness. Do you believe McCandless's
self-denial was a contributory cause to his penchant for thrill-seeking? Or, do you think
his passion for dangerous adventure was simply a natural inclination...
Answer this question no matter what questions above you chose: For your extended
inquiry: How have you brought the experience and life of Chris McCandless or Into the
Wild into your project? Did you use McCandless as just a jumping off point and go on
your own or did you use something he did to get your topic. Do you like your topic? If
yes, explain. If no, what would you have done differently if you could?

1. What is so appealing to young people about risky behavior is the idea of going against what
is considered wrong and that drives young people to attempt risks. I do not really have
anything too risky in my bucket list as of this moment.
2. Christopher McCandless wanted to live an authentic life. What this phrase is referring to
in this context is that living in nature freely without any rules and regulation is an authentic
life. Chris felt that what we consider normal is a trap where we settle down with a career and
are tied down living unhappily. To Chris, traveling as he wished and having his independence
was very important.
4. McCandlesss decision to leave his family without a word was justified in my opinion. I did
sympathize with them at the end as they lost their son without having heard from him. Chris
parents were not good to their children. What I think caused Chris to look down on his parents
the most was his father living a double life and his mothers willingness to live with it.
Answer this question no matter what questions above you chose: For your extended
inquiry: How have you brought the experience and life of Chris McCandless or Into the Wild
into your project? Did you use McCandless as just a jumping off point and go on your own or
did you use something he did to get your topic. Do you like your topic? If yes, explain. If no,
what would you have done differently if you could?
In my extended inquiry I wrote about the influence of books on readers. I talked about how
Chris was influenced by authors such as Thoreau and London so I mentioned this several
times in my paper. I did use McCandless in my introduction to begin my paper. At first, I had
doubts about if I liked my topic or not but having wrote the essay, I am now sure that I chose
the right topic.

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