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HIV and Systemic Diseases

A. Guntur H.
Tropical Medicine & Infectious Disease Subdivision
Internal Medicine Department Sebelas Maret University
Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta
AIDS is a syndrome or symptoms caused by HIV are highly infectious and deadly
with complication systemic diseases. The virus attacks the immune system,
resulting in the decline / loss of body resistance, so easily contracted and died of
infectious diseases, malignancies and others. Decreasing of CD4 lymphocyte is
related with the estimation of immunodeficiency in the HIV patients. It will be
followed with the increasing the number of oppurtunistic infection (systemic
complication). From 109 subjects studied showed grade 1st has the highest
oppurtunity infections (62.4%) with their number of oppurtunity infection is 0
(2.9%),1 (29.4%), 2 (60.3%) and 3 (7.4%) respectively. Grading CD4 lymphocyte
significantly different in each number of oppurtunity infection (p=0,001). According
to previous study about Comparisson between CD4 lymphocyte and total
lymphocyte count in the HIV patients with opportunistic infection, which found that
CD4 is related with oppurtunistic infection. Candidiasis oral is one of common
opportunistic infection in HIV patients. In this study we would like to see the profile
CD4 among HIV patients with candidiasis oral. From 112 patients, we found 102
patients have CD4 lower than normal, among them 68.8% have candidiasis and
22.3% without candidiasis, while patients with normal CD4 have candidiasis 2.68%
and 6.25% without candidiasis. Siginificantly HIV patients with candidiasis have
lower CD4 (p=0.002). From 112 patiens HIV/AIDS, 102 patients have CD4 < 200.
Among them 41,1% without diarrhea and 58,9% with diarrhea. Whereas CD4 > 200
were 6,25% without diarrhea and 2,68% with diarrhea. No significance association
between CD4 with outcome of diarrhea among HIV/AIDS patients (p = 0,132). From
112 patients, we found 102 patients have CD4 lower than normal, among them
25.9% have Tuberculosis infection and 65.2% without Tuberculosis infection, while
patients with normal CD4 have Tuberculosis infection 0.9% and 8.0% without
Tuberculosis infection (p=0.209).
Keywords : HIV, AIDS, Opportunistic infection.

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