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English Listening Quizzes: John's Holiday

You will hear John who is talking about his holiday that he has just returned from. You will hear
the selection twice. Write down the answers to the questions and then click on the arrow to see
if you have answered correctly.


Which cities did John go to? Paris, Geneva, Munich, Milan, Madrid


Did they go Zurich? No, they didnt


What did they do in Munich? They drank a lot of beer.


Where didn't they want to go in Italy? Turin


What was the problem in Milan? It was too hot.


What types of transport did they use? Train, boat, hitch hiked.


Where did they stay? They camped most of the time.


Why didn't they stay in a youth hostels? Because they were too old.


Why did they camp most of the time? They didnt have much money.

10. What was the weather like in Madrid in July and August? It was unbearably hot and

11. What was the weather like in France? It wasnt as bad as in Spain.

12. What disaster happened in Spain? The tent was taken while they were in a bar.

13. How much did the trip cost? 250 pounds

14. How does John feel? Exhausted

15. What would John do differently if did the trip again? He would not do it in such a hurry.

16. What did he do the trip so quickly? It was an adventure and he wanted to see something
before he went off to university.

17. What does John have to do next? Pack his bags and get some sleep.

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