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Thursday January 15: The first day back with Hebru Brand was laid back and easy.

The main
focus was to get myself acclimated with the new team and spring objectives. We had a meeting
around the one oclock hour to talk about the upcoming exhibit that will be in Atlanta. In this
meeting the artist (Hebru) gave us the description to what the show would be like and what drove
him in that direction.

Friday January 16: My task of the day was to reach out to sponsors and talk to the Cultural
Center in Atlanta to discuss dates for the exhibit. I also resumed managing our social media
pages. The big task with that was to update each page.

Monday January 19: I had a one on one meeting with Hebru and he expressed he wanted me to
be in charge of the Hebru Brand merchandise during my time here. This job entails filling orders
from bigcartel, updating inventory, and coming up with future projects for the brand. I also
created the pdf that goes out to present and potential buyers. The pdf included the current works
that are for sale.

Wednesday January 21: The day started with a meeting, in this meeting we discussed what was
has been started with the Cultural Center in Atlanta. Hebru expressed how he wanted me to
utilize social media to engage the audience in different ways and communicate with them about
past works and how they connected with certain pieces because he wanted to use some of his old
pieces to be in the new show.

Monday January 26: This morning, I worked with our animation guy Alan. He was showing me
how to work with animation. I also worked with Gary on redesigning ideas for the Hebru
Brantley website.

Friday January 30: The week has been very busy to the point where I forgot to take my lunch
breaks. I worked on the Facebook page, getting it updated and responding to messages. Also
responding back to emails about the inquires of different art.
Monday February 2 : This was a relaxed day. I did some computer work and social media
conversations and did filing of invoices and did organizing inventory.

Friday February 5: I talked with our PR Firm to work with them on an upcoming press release
for the exhibit that will be held in Atlanta in May. I did not realize that its done so far in advance,
but I understand why. It takes time to get details and wording correct in order to represent the
brand in the best way. So it was important to do rough drafts and get feed back from the PR
company and my director.

Monday February 9: There are some days where I have to coordinate television scheduling for
Hebru. And this was one of those days, ABC news wanted to come in and do an interview with
him. Also, Rolling out magazine wanted to do an interview. So this day was spent doing

Friday February 13 :One of the cool things about working for an Artist is you are able to see
things come to life. Before I came back Hebru was already in the works for an install on a train
stop (green line, in Chicago) for a permanent exhibit. This was cool to be involved in because I
was able to see the rough drafts and give my input on which paintings and drawings to use for
this train stop. The entire team was at the unavailing of the train stop and it was a proud moment
for my boss.

Monday February 16: We had a late start today, we had a meeting at SoHo House Chicago to
discuss Hebru doing commissioned piece for the hotel. The meeting went well and it was cool to
see what they wanted him to come up with. It was also interesting to see how Hebrus art would
fit into the art deco building. They also mentioned how they would love for him to host an event
during the summer. Over all I feel the meeting went really well.

Wednesday February 18: I usually work only 2 days a week but there has been a change in my
schedule this week. We are in full throttle with meetings; today we are meeting with Hebrus
biggest sponsor Red Bull. This meeting is very important because we get to show them all of
thee new things he has coming up, its like midterms, they want to see his progress. Its always
good to be apart of these meetings where I get to take notes and engage in the conversation. Red
Bull also presented him with a couple of projects they wanted him to take on and to my surprise
Hebru wanted me to look at the project and research the companies they were for.

Friday February 20: This was a calm day, I did computer work and scheduling.

Monday February 23: It was a short day; it mostly consisted of creating proposal for grants and
projects that were sent.

Wednesday February25 : The morning started off with a team meeting. We talked about the
progress that has been made for the exhibit in Atlanta and Hebru also presented us with another
show that will take place in June. So there is work to do for two shows.

Friday February 27 : Today I worked with our web designer to redo the Hebru Brantley website.
I had to rewrite his bio for the home page, and Gary showed me how to go in and edit pages and
add grapichs when it needed updating. Now I am a fast learner but this is something that will
take more practice and time for me to grasp the complete concept of this.

Monday March 2 This week I will be teaming up with Rhea ( Hebrus assistant ) to help her with
Hebrus coffee table book. This is a huge project for me to work on, it is really testing my
graphic skills that I learned in the VCD classes. Although this is more editing and less writing I
think this is really good for me to practice with.

Wednesday march 4: We spent majority of the day working on the book, getting images.

Friday March 6The morning started off with a morning conference call with University of
Chicago. Where we talked about Hebru having a summer program. So the entire day was spent
with Pia and I coming up with programming for the summer program for the children of

Monday March 9 This day was a continuation of discussing ideas for The summer program. We
discussed where we would have it and what would be the activities. I also conducted sales and
made drop offs to fedex from our online store.

Wednesday March 11: This was a calm day, I had emails to answer and I spent the day doing
social media. Also researching how I could do more for our store.

Friday March 13: This was a BBBUUUUSSSSSYYYYY day! We had back to back interviews
with ABC and WWTW. So prepping the studio and answering emails in between was a little

Monday March 16 My morning started with a conference call with the PR company trying to get
the draft for the press release for the Atlanta show done. Alan and I also worked together to
come up with a flyer for the Atlanta show.

Wednesday March 18 It was a day to discuss budget for the show. So Pia and I sat and went
through what was needed in order to make the show happen and how much we would ask the
sponsors to give. It took for us to write down every little thing from paint supplies, lodging,
flights ( for each employee that was going), transportation, and what ever else needed to be
factored in. We also came up with an idea to have a presale for clients in Chicago who could not
be a the Atlanta show. So we are in the works on that project also. Oh did I mention we are
moving into a new building.

Friday March I9 found an error in our big cartel with the inventory check. So I spent the entire
day recounting and reentering numbers in our big cartel.

Wednesday April 1: I was able to have a spring break away from my internship, so its back to
work. As always I am on our social media sites instagram and facebook, posting pictures and
updates about Hebru Brand. I also sat with Pia to discuss what else we need to include in our
budget and communicating with the West Side Cultural Center about dates and a future visit to
view the space.

Friday April 3: We left for Atlanta Thursday and we saw the venue today. Its so nice and I cant
wait for us to bring the art work in. Although I was out of the office I did have time to go on our
social media and do the usual postings and answered emails on the go.

Monday April 6: Back in the office and we are packing up to move and getting ready for the
presales. Rhea sent out the invites, so we are waiting to put clients on the schedule to come in
and view the artwork and the new space.

Wednesday April 8 Friday April 10: Moving day. Thats it and thats all.
Monday April 13- Friday April 17: Meeting with clients throughout the day. Talking with them
about the inspiration of pieces and giving them the background on the pieces.
Monday April 20 : It was a slow day, I did my daily tasks of emails and social media. We had a
bit of bad news come in, our Atlanta show was canceled. This was a great way to see how this
team does with problem solving.

Wednesday April 22: We had a meeting to discuss a sale for our online store. Since I am in
charge of that I gave the idea to do 30% off all week so we can move inventory out and make
room for new inventory.
Friday April 24: We had a meeting with UIC to discuss what we came up with for the summer
program. We also had another meeting with SoHo House Chicago about the event they want
Hebru to host.
Monday April 27: We had a morning meeting to discuss the plans of a pop up shop since we
were not going to Atlanta. I suggested since we still have the old space we should host it there
along with other events to generate money. Hebru thought it was great so we are in the works for
having a pop up shop.
Wednesday April 29: I worked with Alan to get flyers for the pop up shop and also a video to put
on our social media for a flash sale.
Friday May 1, 2015: The last day of my internship and its business as usual, a meeting disusing
the summer program with the children. Also filing invoices, meeting with Hebru for the names
of paintings. And at the end of the day they gave me a graduation party. Again I am always
grateful to work with this brand it has truly been an honor.

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