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Names: Daisy L., Tania L., Wendy T.


GRADE LEVEL & NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 3rd Grade, 30 Students
TIME: 25 mins
Boom Box and CD (Or Ipod and Ipod Player)
1. The student will be able to use upper and lower body movements to perform a routine during the
lesson focus as demonstrated by the instructors.
1. The student will memorize a new routine as demonstrated by the instructors.
1. The student will work cooperatively in a group to demonstrate their newly learned routine while
facing each other as demonstrated by the instructors.
Introductory/Warm-up Activity:
3.1 Demonstrate warm-up and cool-down exercises.
3.6 Hold for an increasing period of time basic stretches for hips, shoulders, hamstrings, quadriceps,
triceps, biceps, back, and neck.
4.3 Explain the purpose of warming up before physical activity and cooling down after physical
Lesson Focus:
3.3 Participate three to four days each week, for increasing periods of time, in continuous moderate to
vigorous physical activities that require sustained movement of the large muscle groups to increase
breathing and heart rate.
5.4 Use appropriate cues for movement and positive words of encouragement while coaching others
in physical activities.
Closing/Cool Down Activity:
3.6 Hold for an increasing period of time basic stretches for hips, shoulders, hamstrings, quadriceps,
triceps, biceps, back, and neck.
PART 1: INTRODUCTORY/WARM-UP ACTIVITY- Stretching and Jogging (2-5 mins):
Teaching Hints
1. Jog once around basketball court, when
When before What
finished wait in middle of court
Personal Space
2. 10 circular arm movements
Identify cues and positions that will
3. 5 jumping jacks (If time allows)
demand students attention

PART 2: LESSON FOCUS - Teach, Learn and Perform Routine (15-20 mins):
Teaching Hints
1. Explain to students what we will be doing
Be energetic!!!
in class
One instructor will do (easier) modified
2. Demonstrate first 15 seconds of song to
version to accommodate all students
students (with song)
Allow students to adjust workload to their
3. Break it down slower, so that they can see
personal ability/fitness level
every movement (without song)
Simple, concise directions
4. Practice together (without song), when
Encourage creativity in movements &
they learn it try it with music
5. Repeat steps 2-4 with remaining song in
Encourage students to have fun!!!
15 second segments.
6. Practice the entire song with music
7. Split class in 2 groups, line them up and
make them face each other
8. Students will perform song for last time
facing each other.
PART 3: CLOSING/COOL DOWN ACTIVITY- Stretching (2-5 mins):
Teaching Hints
1. Arm-across-chest stretch, 15
Perform exercises with students
seconds for each arm
Help students that need help
2. Elbow in the air, while other hand
Congratulate students for doing such a
holds it stretch, 15 seconds for each
great job
Water break!!!
3. Bend one leg backwards, holding it
with arm, 15 seconds for each leg

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