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Case Report


Sekti Joko S.I, Willy Yusmawan, Dwi Antono
Departement of ENT-HNS Medical Faculty of Diponegoro University / Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang

Oropharynx tumor is an abnormal tissue


that occurs in the oropharynx. The

network can grow on the lips, 2/3 of the anterior tongue, buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth, upper
and lower gingival, retromolar trigone, hard palate and soft palate. Growth can be classified as
malignant or benign. . Tumor eksterpasi action needed to remove the tumor, so as not to grow larger
and metastasis to other places that can harm our health, organ function and aesthetics.
Eksterpasi tumor in the oropharynx is a challenge for the expert ENT-TOS as access to
a narrow area and the many important structures surrounding organs. There are several methods
of operating techniques eksterpasi oropharynx tumor, namely the transoral approach, transfaringeal,
and transmandibular.
2 cases reported to the handling of the oropharynx tumor action of tumor eksterpasi
operative method transoral transpalatal approach. Clinically in the two patients showed abenign tumor,
and succeeded in eksterpasi intact. Evaluation of postoperative improvement for 2 months looking,
do not get an infection or signs of recurrence, and thefunction returns to normal anatomy.

Key words: Tumor oropharynx, eksterpasi tumor, transpalatal approach

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