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The Miss Jackson case

Last Tuesday 80 years ago a

renter in a campus town by the
name Mrs. Jackson hired a water
detective. She suspected the
college students living in room
319 of violating the lease by
housing more than four people.
The water detective then did a
survey and compared the water
bill of the apartment to see if it
matched the claim.

Mrs. Jackson had tried to catch them before but when

she stopped by to see, there were always the right
amount of people. The detective took the water bill of
500 gallons a day and compared it to his survey that
showed around seven people should be living there
based on their water consumption. He calculated this
by finding most people used 75 gallons a day. He
then divided 500 by 75.
The detectives own family had been used for
the survey. The students have not yet been evicted.
Do to the subjective nature of the evidence and the
personal nature of the survey the city will not allow it
as grounds to void the lease. The detective was not
paid for his work.

In an age when man has

forgotten his origins and is
blind to even his most
essential needs for survival,
water along with other
resources has become the
victim of his indifference.

By Cooper White
The average American uses
300 gallons of water per day.
Harborside only used 25% of that at
75 gallons average. I think whether
or not this is too much greatly
depends on the region you live in. If
you lived in places such as Arizona
or California then it would certainly
be too much as it would strain the
scarce natural water there but in
places like this or say Greenland
because of its high fresh water
levels and lower population.

Byline goes here

Cutline goes here.

right, with Text that supports no

picture goes here. It should all be
justified, which means from margin
Santa Fe, NM. Text that supportsleft to margin right, with tabs to
no picture goes here. It should allintro paragraphs. Text that supports
be justified, which means fromno picture goes here.
margin left to margin right, with It should all be justified, which
means from margin left to margin
tabs to intro paragraphs.
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which means from margin left tohere. It should all be justified,
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margin right, with tabs to intromeans from margin left to margin
Text that supports no picture goes
here. It should all be justified, which
means from margin left to margin



Use your dishwasher, it uses less

water than doing the dishes by hand
and could save up to 1000 gallons a
month. Shorten your shower time to
under 5 minutes to save a similar
amount. Do not leave the water
running wile brushing your teeth to
save an average of eight gallons
every time you brush. Check for
leaks in things like faucets, toilets,
and hoses. Lastly try to use water
saving appliances around your
home as each could save hundreds Byline goes here
of gallons a month.
Bangor, ME. Text that supports
no picture goes here. It should all
be justified, which means from
margin left to margin right, with
tabs to intro paragraphs. Text that
supports no picture goes here. It
should all be justified, which means
from margin left to margin right,
with tabs to intro paragraphs. Text
that supports no picture goes here.
It should all be justified, which
means from margin left to margin
right, with tabs to intro paragraphs.

Headline here

The Daily

All the news ~

The right price

Tuesday, October 23, 1953

Tuesday, October
October 23,
23, 1953

Regional Coverage

Late Edition
Cold tonight with
Showers likely

World Exclusives

Harborside Water Survey

means 1207.65 cups of water was
used per person every minute.
43,352 gallons were used toilet
flushing. 2,991 gallons on five
minute showers and 27,707 on
showers longer than 10 minutes.
4,031 gallons are used for baths.
8,035 gallons for teeth brushing.
Washing dishes with running water
takes 15,018 gallons. Washing with
a basin takes 1406. The dishwasher
consumed 5,251 gallons. Lastly the
clothes washing took 29,632 gallons
of water per week.

Sophomore family survey

By Cooper White
Sophomore families from
Harborside Academy have been
measuring and comparing water
usage. In Kenosha Wisconsin on the
first week of October they
conducted a survey at home to find
there total water usage. In countries
with water access it is often the case
that it is forgotten it is being used at
all. the story aims to inform to the
actual value of water and the excess
it is used in developed countries.
The survey shows that in a work
week (5 days) cumulatively the
sophomore families used 163,523
gallons of water. Since we surveyed
395 families the average water
usage per family was 1510 gallons
and per person 377.5 gallons. This

Pie chart of water usage

Comparison to Africa

Headline here
for story below

The United Nations say that a

human being needs 50 liters of water
per day in order to prepare meals Byline goes here
and to have enough for personal
hygiene. 50 liters of water per day
Houston, TX. Text that supports
are necessary in order to avoid
no picture goes here. It should all
diseases and to retain efficiency.
be justified, which means from
However, many humans in Africa margin left to margin right, with
must get along with 20 liters water tabs to intro paragraphs. Text that
per day .
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picture above goes here. It should
By Cooper White

consumption and nearly six times

what is needed.
The united nations believes 50 liters
is the necessary amount of water
needed for consumption and
hygiene. Africa is 30 liters under
this minimum at 20, but 266 under
the average daily use of the students
surveyed at 286 liters a day. That is
the equivalent of 14 African's

Newfangled device expects to see limited households, time

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