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Annotated Bibliography: Racism

Barton, David. Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White. Aledo, TX:
Wallbuilder, 2004. Print. In this book basically explains how they were scared and brought to
america by muslim-slave catchers and did all the work the white man wanted us to do. Now
they want freedom and peace for ourselves to do what ever we want to do. It could both way
between Authority and objectivity. The reason why because they want a little power but not a
lot, they want to be against racism, and make thing better. This book is very useful for me to
explain why I am against racism. David Barton is the founder of WallBuilders, and author of
numerous best-selling works and a national award-winning historian who brings a fresh and
accurate perspective to history. The intended audience is age because it dont really matter if
you are educated, experience, needs or bias. That is what we need is more equal rights for
black people and to make this world a better place.

Buckley, A. M. Racism. Edina, MN: ABDO Pub., 2011. Print. Basically A. M. Buckley. It
explains how bad the native Arawak was treated when they brought parrots and balls of
cotton. So they meaning whites wanted to expand their resources and territories. As a result
they killed a lot of people they came in contact with. By 1550 she said only 500 remained
(which is sad). The whites in this case wanted more authority over the blacks and take control
of them as well. This can help me explain to people why I am against people and why I hate
racism or hate crime legislation. A. M. Buckley written 14 books for children. She also was a
former bilingual teacher. She taught children from kindergarten through graduate school.
This one is based on age they didnt care if blacks where educated, experience, needs, and

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bias they wanted control & power over black. I was very shocked and I cant believe that
they would do something like this just to get control & power. They couldve did that another
way Im sure of it instead of killing innocent people. There is still racism in the world to day
we just dont see it until someone put it on a social network or the news.

Haley, Alex, and M. S. Handler. The Autobiography of Malcom X. New York: Grove, 1966. Print.
In this book it talks about Malcolm X and how he fought for what he loved for his family and
other family which was equal rights. He just when about the wrong way to me. A little of
authority and objectivity because a little power and he was against racism too. this is useful
for my topic as well because I could use this to explain why he was against it. Alexander
Murray Palmer "Alex" Haley was an American writer known as the author of the 1976 book
Roots: The Saga of an American Family. The intended audience is age to me it not about
education, experience, needs, or bias. If he was more like martin luther king he wouldve
died but he wouldve been known for his works as well.

LaFayette, Bernard, and Kathryn Lee Johnson. In Peace and Freedom: My Journey in Selma.
N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. In this book it explains how the road in Selma was tough and not an
easy way to live for blacks. It goes on to explain more about Martin Luther King and how he
wanted peace and freedom not only for him and his family but other people that are black. A
little of authority and objectivity because once again we want a tad bit of power and we are
against racism. this is indeed useful for my topic that I picked. Bernard LaFayette Jr. is
distinguished senior Scholar-in-Residence at Emory Universitys Candler school of Theology

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and the chair of the national board of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).
Kathryn Lee Johnson teaches in the school of Education at the University of Rhode Island.
She has authored several books for educators on teaching, writing, and developing
independent study skills. This one is based on age and education not needs, bias, or
experienced people. My opinion I wouldnt be Selma as much as the black people been
through but I would make a difference though.

Orr, Tamra. Racial Profiling. Edina, MN: ABDO Pub., 2010. Print. The book talks about how
three men who were taken off the airplanes based on where they lived. Sounds like to me
America wanted authority, power over them. I can most definitely use this to tell people why
I am against hate crime legislation. She most have been white she might be against hate
crime legislation too that's why she did the book. This audience is based on age because
people can be educated, bias, needs, experienced and still get treated wrong. I probably
would've said something now in this day and time, but back then I would've did nothing.

Venable, Rose. The Civil Rights Movement. Chanhassen, MN: Child's World, 2002. Print. The
Civil Rights Movement explains what blacks had to go through to get freedom and rights we
got today. They were trying to make a statement for themselves. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, & they who went to college at North Carolina A&T did the sitins to make a point. They saw how other blacks were treated and themselves and they took a
stand. All of them wanted freedom & rights not only for themselves but for other people too.
They wanted a little power from the whites to do what ever they want and when ever they

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want. Which is a very good thing since whites have been owning them, & taking all the
power from them. This clearly explains why I like the Civil Rights Movement so this can be
helpful for my annotated bibliography. No author for this one but still someone had to write
the book but I guess he or she wanted to be private. This is for the educated, age,
experienced, & needs. Yes about time someone stands up for what is right and isnt for
racism. Most of the people I named are black but they did make a huge difference in today.

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