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1. Transform the following sentences using passive constructions. (In the following cases,
the direct object of the active clause becomes a subject in the passive one). Omit the byphrase when appropriate:
1. They must finish the work today. 2. He has found your bag. 3. I will invite my
friends to a party. 4. Someone has found the missing child. 5. We asked Jane to
play the piano for us. 6. A specialist will repair my radio-set. 7. His coworkers
must do something for him. 8. His parents have brought up the child very badly.
9. Nobody has made any mistakes. 10. People play football all over the world. 11.
My friend bought a beautiful art album. 12. She asked me to join her on the trip.
13. I read newspapers every day. 14. You must iron this dress tonight. 15. The
noise frightened me. 16. Somebody will meet the visitors at the station. 17. They
saw me while crossing the street. 18. We will pick flowers in the forest tomorrow.
19. My sister eats too many cakes. 20. This child reads a lot of books. 21. They
finally reached an agreement.
2. Rewrite these sentences using the passive voice: (In the following cases, transitive verbs
are used which admit of two passive constructions):
1. The doctor prescribed some pills to the patient. 2. They gave me a nice present.
3. The policeman showed us the way. 4. I lent him two of my books. 5. I teach
them English. 6. The jury awarded the Romanian film director the Great Prize. 7.
The guide showed the museum to the tourists. 8. They will give me a reward. 9.
My friend doesnt always tell me the truth. 10. The teacher asked me a difficult
3. Turn into passive the following sentences with verb + preposition / adverb
1. They didnt look after the children properly. 2. Fog held up the trains. 3. We
called for the doctor. 4. Her story didnt take them in. 5. Burglars broke into the
house. 6. In this office, they insist on punctuality. 7. They took down the poster. 8.
He hasnt slept in his bed. 9. Every one looked up to him. 10. Someone will call
for the parcel later. 11. You must hand in the report by Monday. 12. Dont speak
until someone speaks to you.
4. Turn the following questions into the passive:
1. Has no one ever made it clear how one operated the machine? 2. What should
one do in such a case? 3. Has someone made all the necessary arrangements? 4.
Does someone clean all the rooms regularly? 5. How can we bring about the
desired result? 6. Will someone tell him the details? 7. Has someone mended that
chair yet? 8. Havent they told you to be here at 6 oclock? 9. Did the noise
frighten you? 10. Shall I write the letter in ink? 11. Has anybody ever taught you
how to behave?

5. Rewrite the sentences in the active voice. Provide subjects where necessary:
1. No reason was given for his odd behaviour. 2. This play will be forgotten in a
few years time. 3. These books mustnt be taken away. 4. English is spoken all
over the world. 5. This painting is admired by all the visitors of the museum. 6.
This house has been built out of stone and cement. 7. A reception was held in his
honour. 8. The student will be told where to sit. 9. In some countries, women still
havent been granted the same rights as men. 10. I was recommended a very good
doctor. 11. I was told the truth about what had happened. 12. The climber was
finally discovered by the rescue party. 13. My work would have been finished
long ago if I hadnt been interrupted by my colleagues. 14. I was told that a
meeting would be held the next day. 15. He was shocked by the terrible sight of
the accident. 16. The question was fully debated during the symposium. 17. The
new washing machines were turned out at the rate of fifty a day. 18. He hates
being made fun of. 19. His request was turned down. 20. I was given to
understand that my services would be called on if needed.
6. Answer the questions using a passive construction in a complete sentence:
1. What might a man be recommended if he is overworked? 2. What should a sick
man be given? 3. What must a customs officer be shown before one is permitted
to enter a foreign country? 4. What opportunity would you like to be offered? 5.
What do you most enjoy being taught in the faculty? 6. What do you prefer being
given as a birthday present? 7. How do you like to be spoken to? 8. What would
you most dislike being told? 9. What subjects do you like being asked to talk
7. Translate into English:
1. Generaii de studeni sunt pregtii n institutele de nvmnt superior din
Romnia. 2. Urmeaz s se introduc treptat limita de vitez. 3. Nu se permite
fumatul n aceast sal. 4. n acest hotel se vorbesc limbi strine. 5. Ni s-a cerut s
artm biletele. 6. Se raporteaz c a avut loc un accident pe osea. 7. Ni s-au spus
lucruri foarte interesante la conferin. 8. i se va spune ce trebuie s faci. 9.
Toate ziarele au comentat evenimentul. 10. Cursul profesorului a fost ascultat cu
atenie de ctre toi studenii. 11. Aceast informaie trebuie tratat confidenial.
12. Decolarea avionului a fost ntrziat din cauza ceii. 13. Mrfurile v vor fi
trimise ct mai curnd posibil. 14. Ar trebui s I se spun c modul lui de a se
comporta deranjeaz pe cei din jur. 15. Cnd a ajuns acas, i-a dat seama c I se
furase portofelul. 16. Sensurile cuvintelor noi trebuie cutate n dicionar. 17.
Acest timbru nu a fost bine lipit pe plic. 18. Ni se vor da instruciuni detaliate n
privina referatului. 19. A trebuit ca podul s fie nchis pentru reparaii. 20. Nu s-a
auzit nimic de el de cnd a plecat la Constana. 21. America a fost descoperit la
sfritul secolului XV. 22. Se construiesc multe blocuri noi n cartierul nostru. 23.
Nu sunt obinuit s fiu tratat n felul acesta. 24. Nu se poate ca secretul s fi fost

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