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nce when a Lion was asleep, a little

Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose which
laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they
were not getting rich fast enough.
They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay golden eggs, its insides must be
made of gold. And they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once,
they would get mighty rich very soon. So the man
and his wife decided to kill the bird.
However, upon cutting the goose open, they were
shocked to find that its innards were like that of any
other goose!
Short Stories


THE children were very much puzzled what to do, for it was Midsummer-night, and they knew that
there was a dream belonging to it; but how to come across it they could not tell. They knew that the
dream had something to do with fairies, a queen, and all manner of lovely things; but that was all.
At first they thought they would sit up with the doors and windows open, and the dog on the steps
ready to bark if he saw anything unusual. Then they felt sure that they could not dream while they
were wide-awake, so three of them went to bed, and one dozed in a corner of the porch, with her
clothes on. Presently the dog barked, and two children in their night-gowns ran out to see, and one
took off her night-cap and looked out of window; but it was only old Nurse coming back from a long
gossip with the village blacksmith's wife and mother-in-law. So the dog looked foolish, and Nurse
was angry, and put them all to bed without any more ado.
"Oh," they cried, "but the fairies, and the queen, and the flowers! What shall we do to see them?
Go to sleep," said Nurse, and the dream may come to you; you can't go to a dream," she added,
for you see she was just a peasant woman, and had never travelled far, or into any land but her
So the children shut their eyes tightly and went to sleep, and I think that they saw something, for
their eyes were very bright next morning, and one of them whispered to me, softly, The queen
wore a wreath of flowers last night, dear mother, and, oh, she was very beaut

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