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The member of group

1. Annisa Rahma Shintyastuti
2. Descha Regina Caeli
3. Paulina Nirmayazitha P
4. Salma Nabila Salsabila

The Legend of Kuwasharjos Village

Once upon a time, there was lived a couple who the man was old and the girl was weak. They named Mr
Harjo and Mrs Sri. They left alone in the middle of forest. They didnt have a child.
One day, Mr Harjo went to the forest for hunting. He has walked for long day through the forest, but he
has not found any animal. He felt very sad. Suddenly, he remembered his wife at home. His wife really wanted
to have a child. When he sat under a tree, suddenly he saw a glimpse of light. He shocked and scared. In fact,
he saw a very beautiful angel.
The angel said : What are you doing oh old man? Why do you look very sad?
He answered : My wife and I want has child, whould you grant my wish?
Hmm, like that? It was easy, now close your eyes, hold my hand, say what you wanted
All right
From the deep heart, he felt scary and happy. Would the angel grant his hope?
What is this? Paintbrush? For what?
Draw a picture of child
But I cant paint, please help me!
You havent try. So, you have to try first. But remember, you have to use this paintbrush to help
someone who need help
After that, the angel left Mr Harjo alone. Mr Harjo cameback to his home and told t his wife about he
met an angel and she gave a paintbrush for getting a child. Then, they tried to paint with it. They drew a
baby. But, they shocked because the baby was real. They dream came true.
Finally, they lived happily for getting many children in the middle of forest. Its called Kuwasharjos

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