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Shaelyn Gleave

English 1100
Stereotype Analysis in Popular Culture Asian Americans
Asian Americans are traditionally underrepresented in the media and misrepresented with
stereotypes. A few stereotypes that come to mind when thinking about Asian Americans in media
is how they are portrayed as being technologically savvy, mathematically talented and
uninterested in social activities. The reasoning behind this stereotype is that most Asian cultures
regard education and smarts as very important things. Children are expected to study very hard to
obtain good grades and get into good schools. This also means that "nerdiness" is viewed more
positively in these cultures. These stereotypes affect peoples perceptions about Asian
Americans. I think it is important to investigate these stereotypes and how they are consistent in
the media. Often these stereotypes that we see in the media affect our interactions with our Asian
American peers without even realizing or thinking twice about it, this could have a damaging
effect on them since people are more likely to initiate friendships with those that are similar to
them and Asian Americans are perceived as outsiders.
In the movie Sixteen Candles, Long Duk Dong is a foreign exchange student. In his first
scene in the movie he hangs upside down from a bunk bed and says to Molly whats happening
hot stuff? while wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way, Molly gives him a look that says
in your dreams. Long Duk Dongs crush Lumberjack is more masculine than he is, it shows
him hugging her with his head on her chest and him sitting on her lap while she rides an exercise
bike. In one scene it shows him after partying too hard, he is sprawled on the grass and says
Ohh, no more yanky my wanky. On one of the websites I came across they interviewed the
actor that played Long Duk Dong and he said he was nave and didnt realize how his acting
would affect people, he was just being funny and making people laugh. While Long Duk Dongs
role in the movie does make us laugh, it does change the way we view our Asian peers.

Shaelyn Gleave
English 1100
Another movie that comes to mind when thinking about Asian American nerds is The
Goonies. Data is a loveable character who has a slight obsession with James Bond. He invents
special gadgets which he carries in his trench coat. Some of his inventions include Slick Shoes
which are a tricked out pair of Nikes saves the day with their oil releasing properties which
make the bad guys slip when they are chasing after them. He also has a gadget called the
Pinchers of Peril that are made out of a slinky and fake teeth, this saves him from falling to his
death. Data also has the smart idea to set up what he calls booty traps, or booby traps which
slow the bad guys down. Data is surely a character that makes us laugh, but why was it that one
of the white kids in the movie didnt play his part? Would it have been as funny if the character
was white?
The next movie I would like to talk about is Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. In
this movie, Harold and Kumar set out to find a White Castle when they see an appetizing
commercial, they figure there must be one close by. A few of my favorite parts are when they are
at a gas station and there are some white kids that are messing with the store clerk, Harold tells
Kumar somebody should do something so Kumar says something to the white kids. One of the
white kids comes up to him and tries to make him flinch, at first try Kumar is completely still,
then the white guy turns around and pretends like his is going to punch him in the face and he
flinches. After that scene they are at a light trying to cross the street but it isnt giving them a
walk signal, Kumar suggests that they just walk because there are no cars in sight, as soon as
Harold starts to cross a cop turns his lights on and gives them a ticket for J walking. Kumar starts
talking to the white cop and says to him you used to pick on guys like us every day? Then we
went off to college and you went nowhere, then you thought what can I do so I can still give
them shit? Oh I know Ill become a cop. The cop arrests them and takes them to jail. There is a

Shaelyn Gleave
English 1100
scene where one of the white kids throws something at Harolds head, calls him Mr. Miyagi and
does some karate moves to mock him. Although they arent total dorks like Long Duk Dong and
Data, it still shows they white guys picking on them because they are Asian Americans.
In the movie Better Off Dead, Lane is a loser in high school who is obsessed with his
girlfriend Beth. When Beth breaks up with him for the captain of the ski team, Roy, she tells him
that she wants to date someone more popular. Lane is harassed by the Asian brothers in the
movie, one brother speaks no English and the other brother only knows English from listening to
the wide world of sports. There are a few different scenes where the brothers want to race Lane,
in one of the scenes the brothers are side by side in a car next to Lanes and want to race, the
Asian is speaking over an intercom in a comical voice that sounds just like a race announcer. The
Asians win the races until Lane gets his Camaro and leaves them in the dust, the girls that were
in the car with the Asians leave them after they lose. The perception on the Asians in this movie
are that they are not able to fit in to American culture, one of the brother doesnt know English
and the other one sounds like a fool because he talks like a sports announcer.
Each of these characters mentioned above fit the stereotype of Asian American nerd.
Some similarities between the characters are how they are obviously separated from their white
peers, except for Data who is well accepted by his white friends. In Harold and Kumar, Harold
and Kumar prefer to hang out with each other because of their similarities, same with in Better
Off Dead, the Asians are only seen hanging out with other Asians. It is interesting how we tend
to make friends with those that are like us rather than going out on a limb and learning about and
accepting other people. In Sixteen Candles and Harold and Kumar it is very obvious that the
Asians are seen as outsiders and uncool. Both Long Duk Dong and Data have a distinct way of
talking that is most likely over exaggerated but makes us laugh. Data, Harold and Kumar are all

Shaelyn Gleave
English 1100
seemingly smart, which part of the stereotype makes it seem like a bad thing, but being smart is
definitely not a bad thing. Harold and Kumar are the least nerdy of the characters listed above,
their speech is more Americanized but they still get picked on by the white people because they
are Asian, they dont care so much about fitting in with their white peers. In Sixteen Candles
Long Duk Dong tries to fit in with the white people he comes across by acting cool.
I think some of the bad things that can come from this stereotype are that instantly when
we see an Asian we assume that they are smart and/or nerdy. In fact, I work in HR and do the
new hire orientations at my work. A few weeks ago we had an Asian that started working here,
during the orientation we have a guy from our IT team come in and explain some things. Right
away when he saw the Asian he said I bet youre really smart. Thats better than saying I bet
youre really dumb. The fact that we assume such things right off the bat before even talking to
someone is a little crazy. It is interesting what stereotypes can do to our perception of those
around us, we need to be more cautious about the things we say or how we act around those that
are part of a stereotype. We need to be more open minded and accepting of those around us based
on what is on the inside, not what is on the outside. We need to get to know people before
judging them. I would hate for someone to exclude me based on something that may not be true.

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