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Por: Olivia Goolsby

La fotografa como una voz contra

de la violencia transnacional
entre Guatemala y Mxico



Dominic Bracco II

Last Embrace

Louie Palu

Murder Scene

Carlos Javier Ortiz

Mxico y Los EE.UU

Por qu es importante para

nuestra clase

Guns Without Borders




The topic of youth violence is a complicated

issue that has been ignored for far too long
until recently. My mission is simple: I hope
that people can look at the pictures and
empathize with the situation presented in front
of them. The photographs are a learning tool
for all of us. I believe that we cannot be in
real peace until everybody lives in a peaceful
environment. Carlos Javier Ortiz

Por qu es la violencia en Guatemala
peor que en Mxico en relacin con las
Piensas que la fotografa es una buena
obra de arte para capturar la violencia?
Qu efecto tiene a la gente desconocido
sobre la violencia en Guatemala?
Conoces fotgrafos/as de los Estados
Unidos o Mxico que tiene un enfoque en
la violencia?

Obras citadas
Brands, Hal. Crime, Violence and the Crisis in Guatemala: A Case Study in the
Erosion of the State. Strategic Studies Institute, 2010. Impresa.
Bracco II, Dominic. Dominic Bracco II Photoshelter. web.
Dudley, Steven. "Shared Responsibility: U.S. Mexico Policy Options For
Confronting Organized Crime." The Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Scholars. Transborder Institue. web.
Goodman, Colby. "U.S. Firearms Trafficking to Guatemala and Mxico."
Woodrow Wilson Center Update on the Americas. web.
Javier Ortiz, Carlos. web.
MacGillis, Alec. "Americas Wild West Gun Laws Are Helping Fuel the Border
Crisis." New Republic 20 julio 2014. Impresa.
Palu, Louie. Louie Palu Photoshelter. web
Sanford, Victoria. Buried Secrets: Truth and Human Rights in Guatemala. 1st
ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Impresa.
The Spokesperson, Office of. "Joint Statement by the Presidents of El Salvador,
Guatemala, and Honduras, and the Vice President of the United States of
America Regarding: The Plan for the Alliance for Prosperity of the Northern
Triangle." web.

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