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Name: Maggie Mozley

Grade Level: All Grade Levels
Content Area: All subject/content areas
Technology Used (check all that apply): Blog Wiki Other Website Creation Tool (list):
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed: Covers all standards
Brief Description of Learning Experience: The concept of an online blog covers all of the standards
because there are limitless categories that can be featured on a blog. Blogs are primarily used to
support student learning at school and away from the classroom. Blogs also enable the parents to
communicate with the teacher and see all of the activities that the class is working on. Student work
can be featured on the blog with their parents permission. Blogs are typically created at the
beginning of the year and grow in content as the year progresses. The audience of a blog can be
limited to class members and their parents or it can be made visible to the public.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
Student Engagement: Which indicators of Engaged Learning area strong and why? The strongest
indicator for student engagement would be tasks because the teacher can assign tasks and post them
to the blog and the students can complete the tasks and collaborate with others inside and outside of
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): What LoTi would this lesson be and Why? I would
categorize this lesson as a LoTi level 4 because the students are able to integrate what they have
learned into real life scenarios in and outside of the classroom.
Importance of technology: Website creation tools are critical because they help to engage the
audience. This particular lesson plan features a blog, which is somewhat of a necessity for the class
throughout the year. Students are able to access their class blog when they are away from school to
retrieve resources that they need. Blogs also help to document the progress that the students in the
class make individually and as a whole. Without a class blog, students would have to e-mail the
teacher to ask for resources and there would be no electronic documentation of the class progress
throughout the year. This learning experience can use video and audio files, digital pictures,
PowerPoint presentations, etc. to aid in the overall learning experience.
Inspiration (optional): N/A

Internet Safety and Student Privacy: In order to ensure my students safety on the classroom blog I
would make sure that their full names were never visible. I would also make sure that the location of
the school and the grade level were not included anywhere in the blog. I would make sure to get my
students parental consent to use their pictures and work on the blog before I uploaded it. I would
take every safety precaution to ensure my students and the school's anonymity.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. What are you trying that you have not tried
before? What do you hope to learn from this activity? How do you hope it will help students learn? I have
never created my own blog from scratch, and I have learned that creating a blog is simple and userfriendly. I hope that I will learn more about the most effective and efficient ways to upload things,
especially large files. I think that the students will be inspired to create their own blogs and share
things with their families and friends on the class blog.
Other comments about your proposed activity: N/A

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